Friday 15 February 2019

This week's smiles....week 308

Hello all.  Happy Friday to one and all. Firstly, I hope you like my new Spring header pic.....I thought it was about time I changed it and I'm looking forward to warmer Spring days.  It's been a quiet week with sewing for me so I've used my time catching up on all those jobs that have to wait for more important things to be done cleaning and servicing my sewing machines!

I've a few snaps to share with you of my smiles this week and if that last one offends then don't look at it ;-)

Last weekend Mark and Gina treated me, my hubby and Mark's best friend to an escape room session at the Adventure Vault in Shrewsbury....if you've never done one then it's something for your bucket list because it was a lot of fun.  It was a little like The Crystal Maze on the telly....we were locked in a room and had to solve puzzles and tasks before we could unlock the door to get out.  We not only really enjoyed it but we escaped quick enough to get on the leader board of scores.....Thanks so much Mark and Gina for spoiling us.

As most of you will know I had a baking session with my little playmate on he is on the little set of steps getting ready.  I'd just said look at Nanny so I could take a picture...the head turned but his eyes were far more interested on the baking ingredients as you can see.  :-)

He helped put each ingredient into my food mixer and happily pressed the button to mix, mix, mix  :-)

I have a feeling the washing up was the best bit....bubbles everywhere  :-)

"What do you want to do Theo while our buns are cooking?"

"Can we make a den Nanny with blankets?"

....your wish is my command :-)

"Peep Nanny"

Buns cooked so guess we needed to decorate them next.

Result....6 little iced buns and 6 little jammy butterfly buns.

Yum yum....sorry but they have all gone now....of course :-)

Warning....look away now if you're easily offended.

We had our drive done a couple of weeks back but it was left with areas of loose tarmac in places so this week they came back to redo it for us.  I was watching the progress and taking pics to send hubby and this loomed up in front of me!  It was a cold day and I was so tempted to offer to pull his trousers up for him and tuck his vest in!! :-) :-)

I hope you have enjoyed your visit today and will link up and share your smiles below.
Annie x


  1. Looks like you had a fabulous week, Annie. Besides the fun you and your family had at Adventure Vault, you and Theo looked like you had a ball baking. What a great little helper. Had to chuckle at the last photo. I'm off to bed, because I am still not well. Hope your weekend is great.

  2. I forgot to ask. I saw the drive last week and have the same question I was going to ask then. Does the green patch of lawn between the two paved areas belong to your driveway, or does it belong to the neighbor? What is the significance of the grass, since it doesn't seem to be cohesive? I guess I would understand if it was circular or in a straight line.

  3. Oh yes, your little helper is so cute. He takes his baking seriously. Creating yummy things is fun for children. Did you make sugarfree ones? Whatever they are, they look delicious. You are a good baker (and I know 'cause I've been there)
    The Vault sounds interesting. I assume the 33:46 are minutes. Well done. I saw an article in the paper a little while back about some girls that got killed in an 'escapè house' when fire broke out. It was abroad somewhere. In these cases it is good to know UK has such good Health and Safety laws-.
    Yes, I laughed at the 'builder's ass' and like you I would be itching to pull up his trousers.
    I also laughed at your plate of iced cakes on top of your ipad. That remionds me of the ad of the daughter giving one to her elderly father, only to discover he had been using it as a serving plate.
    I'm off to the gym now,
    Have a lovely weekend,
    Keep smiling,

  4. Annie it looks like you had a great playday baking, I know my eyes would have been firmly on the mixture and especially the cakes rather than the camera, they look delicious!
    I'm not sure I like the idea of an adventure room, I panic at the thought of it and am a devil for leaving doors open rather than closing them. Well done on your escape time.
    Your final picture raised a smile.. he won't half suffer with his back when he's older haa haa!
    Wishing you a super weekend, Hugs Tracey xx

  5. Looks like you had a fun week. The baking part looked best. It looks delicious. :-)

  6. Hi Annie the Vault sounds like fun but we don't have a good reputation with puzzles so we would probably be somewhere at the end of the scores if we escapes at all Lol! Baking, Den making and buns to follow, what could be better! I would have loved to have seen the workman's face if you had asked to redress him Lol! He must have been freezing. Have a great weekend, hugs Angela xXx

  7. I am glad you enjoyed the Adventure Vault. I've heard about them but never tried one, though my boys have all enjoyed them.
    The little baker was having a great time, and show me the child who doesn't like a den to hide in.
    I smiles at the workers, though they should have done a better job first time! Those saggy trousers look so uncomfortable. My mum used to say "If your kidneys are covered you will be warm all over". I don't think today's young men would get her approval!
    Love the snowdrop header. Hugs Kate x

  8. OMG - I didn't understand when you said you had a crack on your drive!! I do hope they put a smile on your face when it was finished too. Lovely photos of T. xx

  9. I love having my grands in the kitchen. They both love making things. My eldest loves the show 'Chopped'. She will tick off what she would do with the ingredients. Often times, her ideas are very close to what they do... she was 9 at the time. They'll be back here next month for a week then all summer. Can't wait! I didn't know you had a challenge. Will keep it in mind. Creative Blessings! Kelly


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