Wednesday 7 November 2018


Another week, same desks, different photos.  I'm just one of many who snap pics of their work desks each week to share their creative makes with friends all around the world.  If you'd like to know more and hopefully join in the fun then please pop over to Julia's and The Stamping Ground for details and join in the fun.

This week has seen lots of action over here at Sewing by Annie's.....

These are the 6 little Memory bears that arrived for me to make last completed and collected.

I will share a little tale with you next....On the Tuesday before I had had a phone from a lady saying that her daughter would be bringing items of clothing to make 6 Memory bears for her so when the lady arrived on Wednesday morning I had to chuckle when she said it wasn't her mum that had rung.  I hadn't taken her name because when she rang it was my day off and I was in the middle of changing a dirty nappy so answering the phone was a little difficult.  This of course means there is another lady coming wanting 6 MORE bears making plus the lady the ones are for in the pic above told me, when she collected them, that her friend wants 3 making and I am already expecting 4 more to make plus there are possibly a further dozen that had enquired about them that may well turn up before Christmas .....I have a feeling I'm going to be busy!!

Hence why this rather large bag of toy stuffing arrived at my door this morning....a further 5kg!!!  It takes a lot of stuffing to make a little bear.

 A lot of you suggested that my new little travelling bear should be called Biscuit so he's got his new name....I rather liked the idea of taking a biscuit with me on my travels ;-)
You can see he's been watching over me making a start at my Christmas cards....22 done many more to go yet.

That's all from me for today.  I will hopefully call round to see what you've all been doing this week.
Annie x


  1. Happy WOYWW. That is a lot of memory bears. No wonder you need that huge amount of stuffing. Well done for getting Christmas cards made too. Ali x #8

  2. Biscuit is a great name! xx Jo

  3. You are a busy woman as usual, Annie, but I hope you’ll be making Biscuit a Christmas waiscoat in time for the big day. Norrie bought me a huge packet of biscuits at the weekend-all will be revealed shortly! Happy weekend and hope your back is a bit better.

  4. I just enjoy seeing the brightness out your door. It's been awhile here for Sunshine again. Wow Annie, you are really busy with memory bears, you could do them in your sleep ! bUT What treasures. And I like the name Biscuit. Hope you have sometime for a break and have a great week.

  5. Aw Annie, how cute is Biscuit, I missed seeing him last week. And well done on all these memory bears 🐻 you’ll be making them in your sleep soon!! Must be nice to help folks like that!
    .. and even better done at multi tasking as nappy-changer at same time!

    Thanks so much for your great desky share.
    Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #5

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  6. Good grief, that's a lot of stuffing!! You're right though, it takes far more than you think to get a properly stuffed toy or whatever. Good luck with all the bear orders, you'll be kept busy for sure. I think Biscuit will need a new wardrobe of outfits appropriate to the season...just saying ;-)
    Hugs LLJ 11 xxx

  7. Hi Annie, lovely to hear your bears are so popular. Biscuit definitely seems the right name for Travelling Bear- he needs a little passport now so you can record his adventures! Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #5 XxX

  8. What a lot of Memory Bears you have in the making - good job you did Biscuit when you could.
    Have a lovely week - and keep sewing.
    Hugs, Neet 10 xx

  9. And you're making Christmas Cards as well?!?!
    Love all those teddies, well done.
    Christine #22

  10. Hi Annie, all those bears - imagine the many cuddles they are going to get. Such a lovely way to make a living. You do get through an awful lot of stuffing though - it doesn't seem so long ago you took delivery of another 5kg. Biscuit is a super name and I can see he is going to be great support while you make your C cards. Have a wonderful week. Hugs, Ellie. x #26

  11. I like the idea of you always having a biscuit with you. Good luck with all the memory bears. Happy WOYWW. Sarah #17

  12. The lovely firm stuffing of the Memory Bears is something that a lot of people remark upon Annie, not surprised by the sudden need for a huge bag of stuffing! Love the name for Biscuit...I bet he’s already got tales to tell. Perhaps you should make him an eye mask....

  13. Hope you don't get all 'beared' out... that is a big bag of stuffing; but I bet it won't last long at the rate you're getting orders. I think Biscuit is a great name for your travelling bear. Have a lovely week Helen #1

  14. Your memory bears are gorgeous and I'm not surprised so many people are wanting them. I am wondering how many bears will get stuffed with that huge bag of stuffing!
    Hope you have a good week,
    Diana x #21

  15. Annie you have put me to shame, you are such a busy busy Bee along with those Bears you've managed Christmas cards!! How fab, I hope you will still love us all when you are famous, the word is obviously out that your are *THE* Memory Bear Lady!!
    Have fun with that stuffing & Happy WOYWW Tracey #3

  16. Hi Annie, those little bears could be taking over the world soon Lol! I am not sure as yet what I have planned for the fabric but I'm sure after a lot of stroking I will make my mind up. Hope you have a great week and a lovely woyww, Angela x15x

  17. Hi Annie, memory bears and Christmas cards - another busy week for you, and sounds like you are going to stay busy for the foreseeable future. Have a lovely week Heather x #7


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