Wednesday 25 July 2018


Last week it was all bags, bags and more bags and this week it's bears, bears and yet more bears.  I had many pending orders for school Memory bears and decided to give a 10% discount to the first 10 through my door to encourage some to bring their items of clothing before they got caught up in school holidays.

The first one taking up the offer came through my door the very next morning wanting a School Memory cat quickly followed by the next customer who wanted 9 Memory bears making in memory of her mum....they were for 3 Grandsons, 4 Granddaughters and the 2 daughters!!

That of course meant all 10 offers had gone barely before the ink was dry so I then extended the offer to 15 to catch up the school bears....there's only 3 spaces left now!

It was commented that making the same things over and over again would get boring so I have written a step by step blog post [below if you'd like to read it].....really to record the steps I had to take for myself as a reminder of how you make 9 bears from just 5 items of clothing and also get all 9 of them different as requested!!.....Please believe me it was quite a challenge and there is no fear of me ever getting bored.  :-)

So my pics today are...

The nine different bears for one customer.

This one was to remember a much loved Grandad.

Amy's three children go to a lovely little country school and little Lulu is my very best advertiser by far.  The last day of term the children are allowed to take a favourite toy into school with them and she likes to take the school Memory bear I made for them with her.  Of course she loves to proudly tell everyone that her Nanny Annie makes these little bears and this latest bear was the result of her efforts.

The headmistress from the school asked if I could make it for her to keep in school....I have a feeling there may well be more orders on their way now.  :-)

That's all from me for today.  Please leave me a little comment so I know you've called in and I will do my best to pop over to yours ASAP......Oh and don't forget to check out the post below if you fancy a challenge.
Annie x


  1. Hi Annie, I saw your blog post on the military like organisation you needed to make those bears lol. I do hope that you get plenty more orders from making that school bear. The head teacher is obviously supportive. Have a great week and hope you can keep cool. Sarah #13

  2. Well Annie, you certainly started something with those Memory Bears - glad the orders are keeping marching in. Did you mention a cat? If so can we see please?
    Hugs, Neet 3 xx

  3. Wow, that's a lot of bears! It's a marathon effort to make them all but the recipients will be thrilled, I know! Good old Amy, she did well there :-D
    Hugs LLJ 11 xxx

  4. Morning Annie. Oh my word! Just peeked back a few posts as I was AWOL last week dashing to Cheltenham and back! All those bears!!! You really know how to fill up a day or two, don't you?? I gather the word "boredom" isn't in your dictionary either?? I want to thank you in advance for the bags you are currently making... they will be great. Would you like a break for a few months now?? I think I now have sufficient for the next trip - I have around 80 or 90 waiting now. I am just SO grateful to everyone for their help this year - I normally end up rapidly making around 40 at the last minute - but this year have only had to make 10 altogether thanks to people getting on board with it. THANK YOU. THANK YOU. THANK YOU!!!
    Not long til September now!!! Can't wait.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #5

  5. You certainly have impressive sewing skills, Annie. These bears are fabulous. Happy WOYWW from # 1.

  6. Wooow, that's quite some sewing to do Annie, and no you don't seem/sounds bored to me. Stay cool and sew on ;) Warm(!) hug from Holland, Marit #21

  7. Hi Annie, wow, great response to your offer. Love that you did 9, the same but different. What a feat. Just read the post, and I know I would have mucked it up in a couple of steps, lol. I get sidetracked and fail to pay enough attention to what i'm doing. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #7 XxX

  8. Also posted on a way back post...just got so far behind with everything lately. So many fun bears. WOW isn't it something how an idea takes over.
    You have to be the fastest stitcher around ! Enjoy a lovely week.

  9. Those bears are incredible... Alex and I are currently deciding which jumpers etc we should put together to get him one made so I will be in touch! He adores teddies still and loves the idea of a memory bear. Thanks for sharing. Have a nice week. Love Caro x (#20)

  10. Hi Annie, I see a consistency here - bags, bears - all beginning with 'b' ... what next I wonder. Teddy bears are loved forever so I can see your memory bears becoming antiques in the future ... not in our time, of course! Looks like you have a busy week ahead. Hugs, Ellie x #24

  11. So many bears! Soon you will have made bears for every family around! But then who doesn't love a teddy. Thanks for the visit to mine and wishing you a great woyww, Angela x17x

  12. Well done on getting so many orders. The bears are so sweet. Karen 23

  13. Hello Annie. I am sorry I am so late. Your bears are as always brilliant and so special. My friend and I are both wanting one made and hope to sort this out with you before too long. Anne x #9

  14. Annie, I think you will always be in business with those memory bears, just wait till Christmas hee hee!! Your doing a grand job and making so many people happy at the same time. Beautiful work.
    Happy WOYWW Tracey #6

  15. Well, those bears sure do keep you out of mischief, blimey! You’ve got it like an operating theatre routine! I wonder why. Hope youre planning some holiday fun with the littles. A teddy bears picnic, maybe!?

  16. Your bungle of bears gets ever larger! Looks like you have more customers in the pipeline too! xx

  17. I love how you made the blog post to remind yourself how you did it. LOL I do the same thing. Especially when it comes to dimensions - it's easier than writing it down and forgetting where you put it. LOL Happy WOYWW! Dorlene #34


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