Friday 1 December 2017

This week's smiles....week 248

It's a quick post from me this week as I'm struggling to spend time sitting at the lap top due to being in lots of pain with my arthritis / sciatica in my hip....I'm hoping it improves soon as I get frustrated not being able to do all I normally do.

First I must thank those who linked up last week....keep up the good work girls.

Now onto my smiles for this week....

When you're self employed you have to keep the customers happy and this week has been no exception.  These are the latest two little memory bears I've Scout bear and Rainbow bear [junior brownies].  Cute arent they?

Our daughter Amy and her hubby enjoyed last weekend in Cornwall with friends and their children and this photo really made me smile...isn't this what childhood should be all about?

If all that hasn't got you smiling then maybe our own little James Bond will do the trick.  Theo has been trying on his suit that he is to wear at a friends wedding before Christmas.  Doesn't he look a real little bobby dazzler?

That's my lot for this week.  Please leave me a little message and then link up to your own smiles below.
Annie x


  1. I'm sorry your arthritis is playing up again. I hope you get it under control soon. Is it influenced by the weather? Or is it just one of those things? It's frustrating not being able to do what you want (and must as you are self employed).
    You photos are delightful. Little Theo made me smile in his wedding outfit. And the kids frolicking in the waves is priceless.
    I hope you get well soon. Prayers are going up as I type.

  2. Oh such lovely pics! Hope you are a bit better today.xx

  3. Gorgeous photos Annie. Hope you're feeling better soon. How little Theo has grown! loving his suit, so sweet. Sending gentle hugs, Angela xXx

  4. Here's hoping you're back to full health again soon, Annie. Your wee bears are so sweet. I thought the children were enjoying snow until I looked closer :) It's a great photo as are the ones of Theo looking really suave in his tiny tux. Lovely post. Hope your weekend is a good one. Hugs, Ellie xx

  5. Sorry your still having pain,Annie. What a wee dude Theo is in his tux and love the posing! We're hoping for a stay in weekend as I have pulled something in my back and to use a local phrase, "it's geein me gyp"! I find the cold weather affects my joints now so as we having no reason to go out, we'll just stay in. Happy weekend. Catriona

  6. I love the picture of Theo , quite the little man! And all the children in the sea really made me smile. They are having a wonderful time.
    Well done on finishing the bears, despite the arthritis. This cold damp weather doesn't do us any favours does it?! I hope you are more comfortable soon. Kate xx

  7. I just love the little bears,, what a wonderful gift of love,, I have been reading some past blogs of yours and have joined as a follower, I will love to see what comes next!!


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