Wednesday 15 November 2017


Another week has passed and still no Christmas card making here for me....I just may have to buy some this year!!!

I have a few pics and tales to share with you of course.....

Yes just look at these two pics....I have dusted and cleaned and cleared the decks ready for a crafty morning with that much older sister of mine and our friend Toni [and taken pics before we messed it up again!].
Jo brought her rug that she's making and some knitting and Toni brought her dumfing machine with her....something she hadn't done for a while but as we say 'it's like riding a bike' [not that I can do that!].  I'm sorry to say that we chatted, drank coffee, ate chocolate brownies [thanks Jo] and crafted but alas I missed to take any pics.....but I'm sharing my clean/tidy room with you.

These are the three latest Memory bears I've made...

This one is to remember a special dad called Bob who always carried a hankie in his pocket so of course Bob the bear had to have a pocket with a little hankie in it.

And these two are the ones I've made for the foster mum to put in the memory boxes of the latest two little ones she has in her care ready for when they move on to their forever homes when they are adopted.....there should be more foster carers like this one shouldn't there....she's special?

This is what's on my desk this morning.  I have cut up two tiny babygros ready to make two little hearts in memory of a little baby who was born 'sleeping'.  I do get asked to make some really special things don't I?.....I just hope I can do just what is needed to give the parents some comfort in the years to come.

There you go.  I always say no two days are the same here at Sewing by Annie's and this week has proved it.

I have a draw over at my Facebook page so that on Christmas day I will choose one lucky winner to win one of my Memory bears so please head over there and get liking, sharing and tagging all your friends because the more you help me to spread the word the more chances you get to win it.  Good luck folks.
Annie x


  1. Oh Annie you do such beautiful work and I am sure your creations bring such comfort to those families.
    sandra de @4

  2. Hi Annie, I love your work space; it's so bright and airy. Glad you had a good day with your crafty company. I'm sure your creations bring so much comfort to people. Happy WOYWW Sarah #10

  3. Bless you Annie, you have shared some sweet things and I like that hankie, it made me smile. How awesome to have such a clean space, it's a good feeling huh? Thanks for the early visit. I'll now try for more sleep. Enjoy a great week.

  4. Those bears really are so adorable, I'm sure the one you have just started will give the parents some connection to their angel baby.
    Have a good week.
    Ellie #19

  5. Beautiful and emotional crafting, I'd be in tears. I'm so glad you had great time with the girls, I can just imagine the naughtiness 😉
    Hugs LLJ 15 xxxx

  6. Yes we did have a good crafty time didn't we. Thanks lots. xx Lovely little bears. xx Jo

  7. Hi Annie, lolled at your comment!Love your craft space, how light and airy it looks. Lovely bears as always, and lovely stories to go with them. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #6 XxX

  8. Hi Annie. More busyness in your neck of the woods, then! Those little bears are lovely - a beautiful idea by the foster carer. A great fun idea of yours for the draw - but I don't do facebook - so won't be joining - hope it goes well, though.
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #2

  9. Hi Annie, thought I'd beat you to it with a comment today - yours always seems to reach me first. Those tiny babygros really tugged at my heartstrings. I'm sure the little hearts will help bring comfort. How do you come to terms with a loss like that. And well said for the foster parents! Having fostered myself I know that it can be easy, it can be difficult, but what it is always is worthwhile. Love your oh so tidy sewing room and would love to come mess it up for you :) Have a wonderful week. Hugs, Ellie x #24

  10. Now that is a tidy desk! And those memory bears look so cute! Happy WOYWW! xox Cheetarah #28

  11. Oh Annie, you do bring joy to so many people with your nimble fingers. The two hearts ... got me a bit.
    Yes, you are so right, that is one very special foster mum.
    Love the daddy bear with the handkerchief, he is so smart and just simply beautiful. What a handsome fella he is.
    Glad you had a good day, the three of you, and the chocolate cake sounds wonderful. That's what get togethers with friends are for (counting Jo as a friend as well as a sister).
    Hugs, Neet xx

  12. Beautiful bears and a very tidy studio, wish mine was! Thanks for the visit to mine and happy woyww, Angela x11x

  13. Glad you had a lovely day with your Sis and friend. The chocolate brownies sound good. I love what you are making with the babygros, that's a beautiful idea and I hope it brings comfort to the parents.
    Have a good week and thanks for visiting me earlier.
    Hugs Lisax #12

  14. Your memory bears are so special, and I love the ones for the foster children - that foster parent is a very special person! Thanks for sharing, have a great week! Lindart #25


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