Wednesday 25 October 2017


It's been a week of partying and celebrations here for me.... My 60th was on Monday and it's my son Mark's 30th birthday today.  I've been spoilt rotten and we still have a 80s/90s fancy dress party for my son to come yet.

I had party with all my family and many of my close friends last Sunday tea time and I was made to feel very special....many thanks to all who sent me cards and birthday messages.  I'm sharing the gorgeous oil painting my hubby had done for me of a certain little special friend of mine....simply because I love it and know many of you will appreciate the talent of the artist....he's a local artist called Andy McIntyre of McIntyre Studios and I must say he is one very talented man.  He's not only got a perfect likeness but he's managed to get her character into the painting....

I'm also sharing the gorgeous flowers my youngest daughter and her hubby sent me....because they are just too gorgeous to keep them all to myself....they are just all my fav colours.

There's not a lot on my desk this week because as you can imagine I've not had a lot of time for sewing but.....

I did make these new design tooth fairy pillows on Monday as a special request and have already sold two of them and....

...having had a visit from two very special little brownies yesterday I will be sewing their badges on today.

So there you go....I've shown you mine now if you leave me a little comment to say you've called by I will do my best to pop over to see what you've been up to this week.
Annie x


  1. You're right, the ladies on that card I sent you did remind me of the mad Llandudno Three :-D I got it from a lady in Carmarthen market who did some really funny ones. I'm so pleased you've enjoyed your birthday week, the painting and flowers are amazing - shows how your family know and love you so well. Enjoy the fancy dress party too :-D
    Hugs LLJ 7 xxxx

  2. The painting is beautiful. What a lovely gift and what a lovely husband you have (but you already know that).
    Sorry I didn't send you a card, only got back Saturday and both full of colds so head not working. Congratulations though - such a magical number (60).
    Sunday sounds wonderful and heralds the start of your week that also sounds wonderful. Enjoy being 60!
    Hugs, Neet xx 2

  3. Fantastic painting Annie - must pop round and see it for real too. xx Jo

  4. Happy birthday Annie. Your painting is lovely and what a thoughtful husband and family you have. Enjoy your son's 30th birthday party and hopefullly we'll see some photos. Catriona

  5. Many happy returns of the day Annie, dopey here did Friday Smiles last week not realising it was your sixtieth... glad you had such a great time..
    Love the pirate tooth fairy cutis, too, Annie, very clever amd stunning gifts of painting and flowers too.
    Thanks so much for your great desky share.
    Happy Belated WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #8

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}

  6. What an amazing painting; so life like and full of character. The flowers are beautiful too. Glad you had a good birthday, I'm still looking forward to seeing the finished costume lol. Happy WOYWW Sarah #19

  7. Belated birthday wishes to you and wow, what a sweet hubby you have, painting this for you and what a talented man he is! The flowers are lovely too, you must feel very loved and isn't that the best feeling ever?! Happy woyww and a big hug from Holland, Marit #17

  8. Happy Birthday again, so pleased you were spoilt rotten, you deserve it. the painting is fantastic! Helen #1

  9. Happy Birthday!! The flowers are gorgeous - all my fav colours too! I can't get over that painting - so realistic! The Pirate Tooth Fairy pouches are so cute - perfect for little boys (an probably some girls too!) Thanks for sharing, have a great week! Lindart #29

  10. Hi Annie, I do love the tooth fairy holders, I think thats such an ace idea. Happy Birthday for the weekend, glad you had a lovely party. I used to be a Brownie, lol, many years ago. Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #3 XxXx

  11. Annie, Happy 60th! Sounds like you have had a blessed week, as I am sure you probably deserve! Love that beautiful painting and bouquet! What treats! Your little fairy pillows are just cuteness! Have a great rest of the week! :) Blessings, Felicia #27

  12. Hi Annie, Happy Birthday. The painting is perfect and the flowers are gorgeous. I've got behind with stuff this week so I'm on catch-up so off to bed now. Have a great week and a happy woyww, Angela x11x

  13. Belated birthday greetings Annie. Love the painting and the flowers. You deserved to be spoiled :-)
    Sorry I'm so late. I have come down with the lurgy :-) felt very under the weather Thanks for visiting. Anne x #10


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