Wednesday 20 September 2017


Hello all.  I'm afraid to say there is C*******s activity going on in my sewing room this week.  I have a craft fair at the beginning of December and as this week has been rather more quiet so far I have been using my time wisely.  As some of you wont be ready to see festive items yet I have stood back to take my photo so you don't have to see in detail if you'd rather not.....

You can of course click on the photo if you want a closer snoop but I'm going to list what's there for you.....
  • My two latest Memory bears awaiting collection later today.
  • My store boxes with my Tooth fairy pillows, P E bags etc etc at the back.
  • A stack of baby activity cubes
  • A pile of doggy bandanas I've made this week.
  • 6 Fabric covered pin boards I've made this week.
  • 41 Fabric letters I've nearly finished to hang on C*******s trees...they just need little bells attaching.  I made one of every letter of the alphabet them made a few more of the more popular letters.
  • Of course there's all my jars of ribbons, a few special cards and clutter on the shelf above.
That's about it for this week.  Feel free to have a good snoop and if you have any questions I will do my best to answer them.  Hope you all have a great week.
Annie x


  1. I fully get that people who do fairs and things for Christmas (there, I've said it!!) have to get ahead - gorgeous makes. Great desk. Helen #1

  2. You need to prepare or prepare to fail if you don't, so good on yer Annie for getting on with it.
    I'll just sit back and watch haha
    Lynn xx 12

  3. Another busy week then!! xxx Jo

  4. Morning Annie. Good for you. preparation early means not the same rush nearer the events. - well done. See you at the end of next week!!!
    Take care. God bless.
    Margaret #4

  5. "That's about all" - I quote, as I look in amazement at all the things you have made. My Annie, you have been a busy little bee. Hope your stash of lovely goodies grows and grows in readiness for your sales.
    Those Memory Bears have really proved to be a best seller haven't they?
    See you soon.
    Hugs, & Thanks for the visit to mine - Neet 7 xx
    ps I will remember to stamp my feet - bet I was good at that when I was little. tee hee!

  6. I don't know how you do so much. I think you have some of Father Christmas's Elves in there helping Lol! Thanks for the visit to mine and happy woyww, Angela x17x

  7. Hi Annie, I have no problem seeing other people getting on with Christmas stuff; I'm just not quite there myself yet. Mind you, I don't have to get things ready for a Christmas fair. I love all the different things you make; I'm sure they'll fly off the stall and you'll get more orders on top! Happy WOYWW Sarah #18

  8. It seems crazy doing Christmas things in September but I'm the same, you've just got to have stuff ready! Actually, I'm not apologising, I love my Christmas fabrics, the colours are lush!
    Hugs LLJ 8 xxx

  9. I've made two little Christmas gifts... your Christmas makes are looking fabulous... I really must get on with some more...I LOVE Christmas... your fabrics are beautiful...May #11

  10. WOW you have a great assortment of loveliness. And I do think variety at these fairs is great. But good weather, lots of people is also a must ! Enjoy a lovely week

  11. Looks like you're getting the jump on Christmas stuff- looking good! Happy WOYWW xo Cheetarah #21

  12. Yes, Annie, I too have started making samoles for my voluntary groups. I looked at the big letters on the web and reallybliked them. Your work as always is beautiful.
    PS I am suoerexcited as I've just had a message to say McFelty will soon be coming to Scotland to live-yeah! Catriona

  13. Hello Annie. I am always happy to read, hear see the Christmas word :-) I am flying in , very late to say hello. I am still hoping to make the Crop, we will see. Take care Anne x #31

  14. Hi Annie. I don't blame you for getting a head start on Christmas. I'll be doing the same when I get back from my holiday. I like the sound of fabric pin boards, even i could attempt that. Have a lovely week Heather #32

  15. Hi Annie, so many beautiful fabrics on your desk. Love those round shapes at the front. Fantastic colours. See you next week, :) Have a lovely week, Hugs, Shaz #2 XxX

  16. Hi Annie, gosh! You have been busy. You make me feel such a slouch as I don't get half as much done! All those goodies should sell well - I especially like the little doggy bandanas :) I'm off to bed now as it's way past time. Have a great week. Hugs, Ellie x #34


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