Wednesday 19 April 2017


Hello all.  Hope you had a lovely Easter was a busy one for us as we had birthday celebrations.....Milly was one on the 16th and we took her to the seaside for the day to celebrate :-)
Plus it was our 35th Wedding Anniversary on 17th [that's the Coral one] so that was another reason the celebrate.

But I have been busy since last week even though none of the jobs are on my desk.....

This was one of the chairs in my sewing room and it was looking rather worn and tired so I've recovered it and it now looks......... this.  I've used a spare curtain to cover it and it now matches my room rather better and is nice, fresh and clean.

The other job I've done is recover the seat pads on our kitchen chairs to match our new was a job I've been meaning to do for a while but never got round to it.

I'm really rather pleased with them now.....what do you think?

That's all I've got the share with you today.....sorry it wasn't on my desk but hope you've enjoyed your visit.  Let me know you've called in and I will do my best to pay you a return visit ASAP.
Annie x


  1. Wow! Love the fabrics

    Julie xxxxxx

  2. I think you've done a wonderful job, everything is so bright and cheery. I'm particularly impressed that you upcycled a curtain for your chair.
    Give Milly a hug from me. I hope she was treated to an ice cream at the seaside
    Lynn xx

  3. Oooh, nice! Clever you covering all those chairs, they look great, love the fabrics a lot! I'm glad you've had such a lovely week after The previous one....
    Hugs, LLJ ? Xxx

  4. I think your kitchen chairs look fabulous! As does the other chair - love the patchwork.
    Congratulations on your wedding anniversary and love to Milly with congrats and chin tickles to her to on her first birthday. What a happy little family you are, especially after the other week.
    Hugs, Neet 22 xx

  5. Hi Annie, congratulations, again, on that wonderful anniversary - 35 is a lovely number. And happy birthday again to the wee cutie, Millie. Hardly seems a year since you found her. The chairs look fabulous after their makeovers. Love the curtain fabric on your sewing chair and the kitchen chairs look very wipeable. And is that Millie's newly repaired toy I've spotted on the floor? Seems she gets everywhere :) Have a very happy week. Hugs, Ellie x #23

  6. Hi Annie, love what you've done with the chairs. They look amazing. Seems silly to think that at one time this would have been a normal thing to do, nowadays, most people would take them to the tip & buy new. Sad really.Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #15 XxX

  7. Wow it looks like you have created a whole new set of furniture. Perfect.
    sandra de @10

  8. Fabulous job. Great use of an old curtain and pretty fabric. Sarah #11

  9. All looking lovely there Annie!

  10. Goodness, Annie they are lovely. What a fancy craft chair you have. I have some outside chair cushions balanced on my stool!!
    Congratulations on your 35th Wedding Anniversary.
    Have a great week
    Hugs Lisax #12

  11. great makeovers of those chairs! Helen #3

  12. All of the chairs look fab Annie. Lovely of you to pop by earlier. Anne x #21

  13. I think your up-cycling is brilliant!
    What a good idea to use curtains for the chair to match the room - I my steal that one :)
    Have a wonderful Wednesday!
    Bubbles #27

  14. Not surprised you feel so pleased, the chair and stools look great. I don't mean to tease you really it's just the way it goes. Happy woyww and wishing you a lovely crafty week, Angela x16x

  15. Happy Anniversary! Regardless of all your celebrating, you have accomplished much! I have never recovered chairs. Great job. #38

  16. Re-covering chairs just makes everything look better! I love the polka dots! Thanks for sharing, Lindart #35

  17. I think they've turned out great! Would you like to come help me recover my antique Scottish Fireside chairs? I also need to cover a crib mattress for a converted crib-to-bench and a patio daybed in my gazebo. I'm not sure I have your talent but I'm willing to tackle. Creative Blessings! Kelly #29

  18. You've worked wonders on your chairs Annie, must confess I did the same in my room too, I was given a tired old red high rise swivel chair, great chair, looks new now with pretty purple curtain material,free from stash!!
    Kitchen spotty chairs are really fab too!!! Thanks for sharing your inspiration!
    Shaz in Oz.x

    {Calligraphy Cards - Shaz in Oz}


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