Friday 27 January 2017

This week's smiles...week 205

Hello all.  Here we are at our weekly catch up of smiles.  Whether we have had a week full of smiles or the sort of week when we struggle it's always good to spend a little time focusing on the happy moments of the week and sharing your smiles with others.

Many thanks to all who joined in last week.  I hope everyone feels the benefit of sharing a smile or two and everyone is welcome to join in the fun here by linking up your smiles on Mr Linky at the bottom of the page.

I think life has a way of teaching us how to live and this week my lesson has been ... Tell your family members you love them often and hug them just a little closer.  Never take for granted that you will have them for ever.  RIP Josh just aged 5 may remember I made bunting for a little Superhero.

I have had a trying time with the tools of my trade letting me down over the last few weeks and as I rely so much on them my first smile is something that has arrived at my door this week....

Let me introduce you to my new overlocker.  My old one is now repaired so will be kept as a good spare but it's had lots of use and I need to be sure of the tools I use so I'm really thrilled with my new toy......I watched the dvd that came with it yesterday and was amazed at all the clever things it can do [I bet my old one did too but I only ever used it for overlocking lol].

What made me smile too was the extra free parcel of goodies that came with my new machine....
  • 12 cones of thread
  • a new set of 5 pairs of scissors
  • 2 extra packs of spare needles
  • a new tape measure
  • a new stitch ripper
....and that is all extra to the pack of needles and tools that came with the machine!  What a bargain eh?

I'm sharing the gorgeous flowers I was bought this week from a grateful customer.....I love my job.  💗

I couldn't miss a week without a pic of some of the Grandchildren.....Phoebe, Lulu and Stephen are proudly sharing a pic of them with the snowman they had just built.....just enough snow had fallen and they never miss out on the chance to enjoy some fun in the snow.

Stephen then tried his hand at a snow angel.....I think he needs to learn to lie on his back don't you?

There you go....that's a few of my smiles for this week.  Please leave me a little message so I know you've called by and if you can then please link up your smiles below.
Annie x


  1. This is wonderful. You got a lot of freebies with your new machine, and you got a great bouquet of flowers from a customer. That alone would have made me smile. BUT, Stephen's snow angle was what made me laugh. I laughed so hard, I woke Bleubeard. In fact, I laughed before I read what you had written.

    I'm not joining in today. I had planned to, but my International Holocaust Remembrance Day post is really nothing to smile about, and there is no way I could fit ANYTHING funny to go with it. So, I'll join in again next week when there will be lots of smiles, or at least I hope there will be.

  2. Josh has certainly left his mark on this earth Annie and it's very hard to not say "why?" I hope the family find some comfort somehow.

    Now to our smiles, well I think your new over locker has it's own little quirky face and I'm sure will be a great asset.
    Stephen made me chuckle with his face down snow angel. Hope you wiped his face Nannie.
    Give Milly a tickle for me xxx

  3. Hi Annie, I only got round to doing my post this morning as I'm still feeling a bit grotty with the cold. Love the new overlocker, very smart. I have noticed that company do seem to add some nice extras with their products. I bought one of their sewing machines a couple of years ago to replace my very old one and I've been really pleased with it. You're so right with what you said at the beginning of your post, life is very fragile and we need to always make sure our families know how much we care.
    So I'm off now for some more hot lemon as I thick it's about time for another.
    Take care and have a great weekend, Angela xXx

  4. Well done with the new machine. I love the snowy day pics and the snow angel is brilliant - bet his nose was cold!! xx

  5. A lovely happy post this week Annie. Like Lynn, I think your new over-locker has a face, but you know me - I see faces in everything. What a lovely parcel of goodies you got with the machine. I hope it gives you years of pleasure to use it.
    I had to smile at the snowy pictures. You don't often get enough snow to make anything where you are, do you? But the little ones certainly made the most of it. Stephen must have been so cold lying there, but then they don't feel it while they are having fun do they?
    That is a beautiful rose in your flowers. It is nice when someone shows their appreciation. Kate x

  6. I've just realised that my comment did not register because I was not logged in to Google on my mum's computer. I'm sorry, you must have thought that I had forgotten you. I have been out all day and now it is past midnight but I must stop and tell you congratulations for getting a new overlocker. It is smiling at you. (as all the others I too see a face). I bet you will have a great time trying out all those new features.
    Have fun,

  7. Hi Annie, Sorry I didn't get time to join in with Friday Smiles this week - too much drama going on with the family - but I thought I'd just catch up now. Sorry to hear the sad news about little Josh. Your new overlocker looks lovely - do you think you will try out all the bells and whistles on this one? As usual it is fun to see your grandchildren and their snowman - and what about that wee snow angel - he's adorable :) Hugs, Ellie xx


Thank you for caring. I love getting your comments.