Wednesday 13 April 2016

WOYWW...'s been another of those weeks when there's been lots of change and not a lot on my desk that I can really share with you except this....

I've finished the little hoody and made a start with a little cardigan in a cream wool with pretty flecks of colour.....looking good so far :-)

My other 'work desk' for this week has been the living room.  We have put a plain wallpaper on three walls and the fire place wall is now a feature wall with the poppy wallpaper on all know how much I love poppies don't you?
We have new matching red curtains now too and we both really love how our new home is taking shape.

I have other really exciting news to share with you too.  Yesterday I went for an interview at a Wedding dress shop that is opening a few miles from us.  They were looking for a seamstress to alter their preloved top designer dresses and they are happy for me to join the team.  The brides will be bringing their dresses to me, I will be doing the fittings in my sewing room and will be able to take on as much work as suits me so I'm thrilled to I may well be sharing some really posh frocks with you some time soon.....I'm doing a happy dance here and hope you will all feel excited for me.
Annie x


  1. wow, go Annie! thrilling news - hope you enjoy the challenge of posh frocks (better than curtains, that's for sure!) Have a great week. Helen #1

  2. Wow, what a job! It would be my worst nightmare(not much of a sewer), BUT imagine the looks on the girls' faces when their frocks fit.You'll be handling some gorgeous fabrics.That will be nice.Well done.
    Judy #11

  3. That's wonderful news Annie. What a wonderful talent you have. You and Val who makes my curtain frocks would hav loads to talk about as she does the same thing. She gives me all the offcuts for my craft ladies to use, which is quite handy except it means my place is even more cluttered haha.
    Have a great week. I'm off to Montgomery tomorrow for a few days so won't be signing in on Friday. I'm on a craft workshop at Indigo Moon
    Lynn xx 13

  4. what really exciting news, afraid my sewing is really not up to that !, the wallpaer and room look great, getting there lol.....
    Tilly x

  5. Congratulations on your new job! Your living room wall looks great! Happy WOYWW, Evelyn # 17

  6. Congratulations on the new job - what lovely news. I really like the poppy wallpaper too - I'm very much into reds and warm colours, so your living room is right up my street!!
    Hope you have a great week,
    Diana #19

  7. Such pretty paper Annie - your new home is looking delightful. Congratulations on your news. I do a little sewing but I would be terrified - envy you your wonderful talent. The hoodie is lovely. Anne x #24

  8. Yeeehaaa... congratulations on the job Annie, that's awesome!!! Happy woyww and a hug from Holland, Marit #26

  9. Wow to the new job - it is great when things work out isn't it? I have a little job one afternoon a week in a preschool which suites me down to the ground after 17yrs as a SAHM. BJ#27

  10. Excited for you! Beyond excitement. See what the move has done. That is brilliant news. Will you still be fitting in other alterations too?
    Hugs, Neet (another poppy fan - my fave too - 2 xx

  11. Oh Boy Annie that brilliant. You just must let us have a peek at some of the frocks. Deco looks good to. Thanks for the visit to mine and happy woyww, Angela x 16

  12. Oh Annie I AM feeling excited for you!!!
    A big happy dance downunder too, how wonderful to have steady work and not of the "taking up curtains variety" ;)
    ... lovely new curtains to match wall paper too!
    Thanks so much for sharing.
    Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x # 20

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

  13. Hi Annie, I saw your FB post yesterday, I'm so happy for you!Love how you are 'settling in' to your new home. It takes a while after actually moving in for it to feel like that, I think. Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #3 xxx

  14. Congratulations Annie. A great responsibility, but a lovely reward to see those happy brides.

    Fiona #31

  15. Congratulations on your new job! It sounds just up your street! Looking forward to seeing lots of posh frocks.
    The baby things are so gorgeous. Well done you.
    I love your living room too. Poppy wall, matching red curtains and new carpet too. Wonderful!
    Thanks for your visit and your kind comment,
    Happy WOYWW,

  16. Congrats on the new job! What a wonderful opportunity. The baby wool looks wonderful, nice cardigans.

    Have a great week
    Sharon K #36

  17. Congrats on your news. It's great that you can do as much or as little as you like to fit your schedule. That's awesome!!
    Have a great day.
    Diane - WOYWW #29

  18. Firstly, many congratulations, Annie. I'm so delighted for you and look forward to seeing lots of very posh frocks. The little knitted is looking good indeed - I like the warmth of cream. Love the poppy paper - they are my favourite flowers too so I'd say a great choice :) It took me years to really get into scrapbooking after first discovering it whilst in America in 1995/6 but I'm glad I've stuck at it. Have a great week. Hugs, Ellie, x #33

  19. They are lucky to have you. Congrats on the new job. New house is looking good too.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #44

  20. That is such wonderful news! Congrats. Love the little hoodie too. Elaine no. 51

  21. Congratulations on your new job! Such wonderful news. I'm sure that it will be exciting working with brides to be!!
    Wishing you a creative fun week to come... hope to see you next week again at WOYWW♥
    MiSchra ♥ #42

  22. How brilliant, Annie, Congratulations. There will be some very lucky brides out there.
    Your living room looks gorgeous, I love the colour scheme.
    Hugs Lisax #55

  23. Congratulations on that fab job. the little coat looks adorable. Sorry for the late post - thanks for your visit earlier today . soojay xx

  24. That is great news Annie, a bunch of designer dresses to idea of hell! When people discover that I sew, I always have to qualify it with 'no alterations or repairs'!!! Well done!

  25. Everything is certainly coming up roses (or poppies in this case) for you. This house is a new start all round with a new baby coming and now a lovely new job too. Your living room is looking really lovely and the baby hoodie is fab. Great all round!
    Jo x

  26. Great post Annie - I think we need a little celebration sometime soon don't you? x

  27. Congrats on the new job and hope to see all those gorgeous wedding dresses soon. Your house is turning out a treat.
    sandra de @35

  28. Oh Annie, I'm glad you are pleased with the idea of altering wedding dresses, frankly I'd much rather make them from scratch. But looking forward to seeing the lovely dresses you get to alter.
    Chris #4


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