Friday 19 February 2016

This week's smiles....week 158

Hello all on another catch up of the week's smiles.  Many thanks to all who joined in the fun again last week....I do love a good chuckle to start my day and you have all helped with that lately.

My featured blog from last week just had to be Sam's....not only did she post the pics of herself posing wearing her newly made pyjamas [and that really made me smile....fab material] but it really was good to see her looking so well after the rough time she had been having after her road traffic accident....keep up the good work Sam....and please stay out of trouble for now at least :-)

My smiles for this week revolve round my grandchildren....when do they ever not?  :-)  It's been half term holiday round here and it's so good to see their mummies doing such a fab job of entertaining them :-)

My family are a constant blessing for me and I have so many reasons to smile so really hope they have made you smile too today.  Please share your smiles by linking them below and let's all try to make the world a happier place to be.  Thanks to you all.
Annie x


  1. You are truly blessed with your family and they are all gorgeous. thanks for giving us a smile on a Friday morning

  2. aww what lovely photos :) I LOVE half term ;) xx

  3. Lovely smiles Annie!
    Glad to be back joining in again this week x

  4. Your grandies are so gorgeous! Great that htey delivered all those flyers for you! Publicity will get you work.
    Have a smiley Friday,

  5. You are a very lucky lady to have such a lovely family and pleased to see you are getting them all involved in the crafty stuff too. Happy Friday smiles, Angela x

  6. You have a lovely family Annie and it's so nice that you share them with us. My 5 year old nephew Jacob has got a thing about texting me at the moment. He is so funny.
    We are on the train now to London, it's nice and warm. Have a nice weekend
    Lynn xx

  7. Happy Friday Annie, Fab pics of the grandchildren at play - they are a happy lot....but fancy Nanny having them deliver 200 fliers!!! And I see on WOYWW you have been very busy sewing for the fund raiser. Beginning to learn about dust with the renos.. have a wonderful week Hugs Robyn

  8. Hi Annie - wonderful photos! And, as suggested, I brought little Livi over with her backpack to play too :)


    Di xx

  9. Lovely photos again Annie. I am glad you had some sunshine for half-term. It is good to see little ones so busy. You can have a rest now they are back at school. Kate x

  10. Great pics this week. Your kiddiewinks look like they have enjoyed their holibobs!! And weren't they good delivering all your fliers. That is slave labour!! or a labour of love!!
    Thanks for picking my blog.

  11. Your photos brought a smile to my face as grandchildren are so precious! Enjoy your weekend, Pat :)

  12. Your grands are adorable. It looks like it's much colder there than here.
    Enjoy your weekend!

  13. Lovely photos Annie. The kiddos are just adorable!

  14. Fab photos - love the one where ready for a walk, but all wrapped up warm!

  15. lovely to see all the Munchkins and all they have been up to over half term. I really enjoyed my time with mine so I am not so envious this time!
    Jo x


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