Friday 12 February 2016

This week's smiles.....week 157

Well, here we are at yet another Friday....where does the time go?  This is the time of the week that I like to look back to see what has made me smile over the last week and, as always, there has been many reasons to smile for me.

First I would like to say a big thank you to all who joined in last week...there seemed to be many chuckles around and my featured post was Elizabeth's share of the Simon's cat video....these always make me chuckle so thank you Elizabeth for sharing this one with us.

I thought you'd like a couple of snaps of what I've been helping the twins to do this week....I love to see them crafting and they seem to really enjoy making things now.....

Just look at the concentration while Lexi puts all her tiny pieces on her mosaic to make her little dog....she used a pair of plastic tweezers to put most of them in place and amazed us all at her dexterity....not bad for a 4 year old eh?

Sam is left handed and struggled to make his car using the tweezers but he put every tiny little piece in with his fingers.  :-)

For those that don't know what they are....once all the pieces are in place they are then covered with baking parchment and ironed with a hot iron to melt the plastic beads together to make a mat.

I thought this pic might also make you smile.  Shell asked me to adapt her elf ready for next Christmas. and as you can see he now has a girlfriend. I inserted pipe cleaners into their arms and legs to make them more poseable and inserted strong magnets into their hands so they can hold on to anything metal and hold hands.  I sent this pic to Shell with the caption.....'Don't worry I will save you....I wont let Annie operate'  :-)

I hope I've made you smile today and you will now link to your own smiles below.....Please cos it really does make the world a happier place for us all.
Annie x


  1. Good morning Anniie
    Lots of concentration there. I took one of my goddaughter's on a trip to Manchester years ago to buy her another kit, we were hours as she couldn't make her mind up which to have.
    Helen received her bear yesterday and was over the moon with it. Thank you. I will be needing one called Ilana (ilana). Not for some time yet so I'll keep watching who comes to the Teddy Bears Picnic haha
    Lynn xx

  2. Hi Annie - and happy Friday. It's wonderful that the twins love to make things and crafting does help the little ones with concentration, patience, a sense of achievement, following patterns - all sorts of stuff and those mat thingies are a cool idea will have to have a look about for them here. Your elves are might cute too - clever idea with the pipecleaners and magnets. Have a wonderful weekend Robyn

  3. Hi Annie, it's great to see the young-ones getting involved. It so helps them with the school work. When I was teaching it was very noticeable which children had experiences like this. Love the elves too, very cute. Have a great weekend my friend and thanks for organising the Friday get-together. Angela xXx

  4. It is so nice to see the little ones crafting. I think it helps with other aspects of their lives as well as building their confidence.
    Those elves are cute.

  5. Oh yes, that is brilliant dexterity for a 4 yr old. No, I had not heard of these. Thank you for explaining.
    Your elf is so cute. I'm glad he has a girl friend. Holding hands just in time for Valentine's day!
    Have a smiley week,

  6. Oh those beads, such fun seeing how much concentration is involved in creating the same!

  7. aww my children used to love those bead pictures - I am sure I still have some somewhere. XX

  8. Such clever twinnies but hardly surprising with such a creative Nanny! x Jo

  9. Hi Annie,

    I wondered what the bead things would turn into. Both did an excellent job and it's fun to watch children craft! Like you mentioned with Lexi, I imagine it helps with eye/hand coordination and dexterity.

    Happy Friday and thanks for making me smile!


  10. Well done to Lexi and Sam. I can remember my boys having the Hama beads and they were so fiddly to use, but they always liked what they had made.
    I love the little piece about the elf (elves). You are planning well ahead there Annie! Kate x

  11. Hi Annie, I've just had to watch Mr Selfridge or I would have commented earlier :) Thanks for featuring my post from last week - Simon's Cat is a real cutey and always makes me laugh. I can see that Lexi and Sam are going to be crafters just like their grannie. One of the shops I visited today had little jars of those beads and I did wonder what they could be used for - now I know! Shell is thinking well ahead for Christmas. How nice for Elf to have a girlfriend - twice the trouble :) Hope you have a great weekend. Hugs, Ellie xx


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