Wednesday 26 August 2015


As I know you are here to see my desk that's where I am starting...

As you can see my little space is crammed full of furniture being stored while the building work is going on so my desk has not been used this week.  I've not felt creative which is just as well as you can see and my time is being well used playing chief organiser on the building site.  The builders have had a very productive week.  Our son has been here helping his dad put in the first fix of electrics and yesterday I also had the plumbers here putting in the pipes for the heating in the new's all taking shape and looking very different now.....and it's sooooooo exciting :-)

I am constantly snapping pics to record the building work so I've put together a collage if the latest progress so you can share my mess :-)

I know my pics wont mean a lot to you but I do hope you share in my excitement of getting it all done  :-)

Thanks for calling by this week.  If you leave me a little hello message to let me know you've called in I will do my best to pay you a return visit when I'm able.
Annie x


  1. it's like an episode of DIY SOS! It's coming together well though. Helen 2

  2. I'm sharing in your excitement because I've been there done that got the tee shirt and now love my space.
    Not joining in this week as I'm putting away the unbelievable 65 birthday cards I received and finding places to put all my birthday presents xxx

  3. Woohoo, how exciting! It's all coming together so brilliantly. Doing a Happy Dance for you right now :-)
    The dettol spray did the trick, thanks :-)
    Hugs, LLJ 11 xx

  4. Can't wait to see the end product, no wonder you are getting excited! X

  5. Although your space is crammed you still have a space! I can certainly understand the excitement over the building work, as we had some stuff done in our English home and it is just so much fun when you have a new lovely space! Thank you for all the comments, sorry I don't always come back, time just flies and then it is the next week and the next week...
    Lots of love and hugs,

  6. You will soon be crafting and sewing in there! x Jo

  7. Oh I so know how you are feeling! I've been living in a building site for a year now. Your new room is really taking shape, no wonder you are excited! The building pics are interesting (for me) as of course the way builders build is totally different. (Here wood is very expensive, so partition walls are made with very thin blocks) I am intrigued by the box with the holes in it. Anything to do with the electrics?
    Have a good week,

  8. Hi Annie - I am so excited for you too...look at all that work, it's all progressing quite quickly, I can just see you being the chief organiser...I think that idea is playing around in my head for when our work gets under way...whenever that will be!? We were pretty well organised at our place this morning and I woke real early so just had to show off my empty desk. Have a fabulous week Hugs Robyn

  9. Morning Annie, With the electrics and the plumbing done you'll soon be up and running. Aren't you going to enjoy your new space! Have a lovely week. Barb#27 xx

  10. ahh it is exciting to see there are steps of progress as it all takes shape before your eyes each day.
    Good to take pickies to capture that, it really is progressing, Annie!

    Thanks so much for sharing.
    Happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz.x #34

    {Shaz in Oz – Calligraphy Cards}

  11. Yes that is very exciting! How you must look forward to when you can fix it up nicely! happy WOYWW! patsy

  12. Hi Annie, it's lovely to see the work in progress. Thats something we always do, whether it's major work or minor DIY. It's great to look back at and see how different it looks after. I bet you will be glad to see the back of all the dust though! I remember when we had rooms plastered, I was so totally sick of all the dust it created.Have a great week, Hugs, Shaz #5 xxx

  13. Of course we all share your excitement, how wonderful it must be to have a room built especially for you with your work/hobby. I just cannot wait to see it all finished and you moving in there and delighting in showing us all around it.
    Enjoy this stage too
    Hugs, Neet 15 xx

  14. It's so exciting seeing your new sewing space taking shape. How fab to be able to create a space made exactly to your needs. Can't wait to drop by for the grand opening!x

  15. It's so difficult to be creative when all that action is going on, Annie. I'm sure I'm going to be the same next week when himself is decorating my room. Besides, I think I'll be kept busy as gofer and head coffee maker :) Look forward to seeing the continuing transformation. Have a good week. Hugs, Elizabeth x #46

  16. It's lovely to see your new workspace growing. You must be getting quite excited (know I would be). Thanks for the visit to mine and happy crafting, Angela x 28

  17. oo its coming together nicely- how lovely. Thanks for the visit yesterday while I was off out in London. xx Have a great week. Soojay

  18. All pics of building your room are fun.... feel so excited for you.
    sandra de @39

  19. Ooh, how exciting, it's all sounds like it's moving along quickly. Hope you get your craft room back up and running soon. Have a great week,
    Diana #23

  20. Well, it's fine mess I got myself into - being so late(got bogged down with "STUFF", but this fine mess is exciting! It won't be long now before you're at your desk again! Chrisx


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