Friday 9 January 2015

This week's smile....week 101

Thanks to all that joined in last week by linking up their smiles.  I am featuring Gill's post about Norman.  It really made me giggle that they had named their Christmas tree and I wanted to welcome Gill back [it's been a while since she joined in] but I also wanted to say I'm sorry Gill but I seem unable to leave comments on any of the google+ blogs so just wanted to let you know I had been over and read your post.

This has been another week of happy times spent with my little twinnie munchkins.  Their mummy had a birthday on Wednesday so there has been lots of happy memories too of the day she was born....she had masses of gorgeous auburn hair when she was born and I spent out first night together wide awake just watching her sleep  :-)

My pic today is one of some gorgeous fabric that arrived through my door yesterday.  As someone who likes to make her own clothes I am always in search of good quality fabric at sensible prices but to be honest finding any suitable fabric is never easy.  There is only one dress type fabric shop in Shrewsbury but that one is pricing themselves out of the market lately and rarely has something I fancy using to make my tops has lots of craft cottons.

I have received this gorgeous fabric today from a place I found on Facebook. The fabric is Crepe de Chine and is simply gorgeous. It doesn't crease and should go nicely into pin tucks and wash well so should be perfect it was great value too.

If you like to make clothes you will see just why this has made me smile today  :-)
Thanks for calling by today.  Please share your smiles by linking to your happy posts below and I will pop over to check them out as soon as possible.
Annie x 


  1. When I was young, my mother made my clothes and I'm sure I wore things made from Crepe de Chine. It's gorgeous! Well done you Annie being able to make your own clothes.Looking forward to seeing it made up.

  2. OOOOOO! Thanks for the heads up I shall look later. Happy Birthday to the Birthday Girl!

  3. Now that is a gorgeous colour palette!
    Happy Friday

  4. aww thanks Annie for featuring my post after ive been a stranger for so long. Im sorry you couldnt comment. I must look into this as Google+ seems to have taken over my blog and i never meant it to.
    have a great week
    Gill x

  5. Somehow I got it in my head that TOMORROW was Friday. I can't believe I am this uncharacteristically late.

    I don't sew anything that requires a pattern, or requires I cut something. If I can't tear it, I won't use it. However, I now know what you mean by craft cotton. It's so thin, you wonder if it has much use. Your lovely Crepe de Chine, on the other hand, looks lovely. I would probably appreciate the fact it doesn't wrinkle, too, since I don't like to iron, but I have an aversion to polyester.

    Happy Friday Smiles, dear friend, from Bleubeard, Squiggles, and me.

  6. hopefully i have removed the annoying Google+ interference with my blog commenting. Its good to be back.
    Gill x

  7. Lovely colours - perfect for you. x Jo

  8. I used to love that fabric shop in Shrewsbury, but it was never the same after the big floods about eight years ago.
    I don´t get as excited as you about fabric, though I love new wool, but I am glad you have found something you like.
    Kate x

  9. ah Annie so know what you mean about loving it when you find great fabric at good prices ..

    ...and some for the lovely old fabrics are hard to find like polished cotton, I loved sewing with that ..
    I still have one dress going which my Nanna bought in 1960's I made it up this century but I always is special cos it reminds me of her! :D
    I am day late but though would be ok :D
    Thanks so much for sharing, Shaz in Oz.x

    {Shaz in Oz – my personal blog}

  10. Hi Annie.....well I'm really late but...oh well. I've been lapping up the Sophie cuddles because we go home tomorrow. I do so know what you mean about fabric, our shops have a dismal variety and although I haven't made myself something for a long time, I'm sewing for Sophie. I find the shops don't carry anything really nice for ladies my age either and I can't afford the boutique prices. Love your crepe de chine, pretty colours. Bet you can't wait now to run it up. Have fun, cheers Robyn


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