Friday 2 January 2015

This week's smiles.....week 100

Wahooooo it's week 100 and it's the start of a whole New Year......not the best of starts though cos I've only just realised it's Friday so am running late with my blog post today :-)  I'm sure I'm not the only one who doesn't know what day of the week it is.  :-)

Firstly I want to say a huge Thank you to each and every one of you who has taken time out of your busy lives to share your happy times.  The world really is a better place because of it.  Smiling is contagious so let's spread as many as we can in 2015.  I would also like to wish you all a very Happy New Year full of good health and everything that makes you happy.

My word for 2015 is PROMISE.....
  • The promise that at some point the plans will be passed for the alterations for our little bungalow
  • The promise that we will get a new kitchen/dining room and can then empty boxes of stored kitchen stash
  • The promise that I will be able to set up my new sewing room with my 5 machines, empty and organise all my bags full of fabrics and look forward to many creative times in my new space with all my crafty friends.
  • The promise of many special family together times......these mean more to me than anything.
  • I promise to make big efforts to stay well, watch what I eat and exercise as much as my arthritis allows
My happy snaps today are these....

Our 5 little Grandchildren all in their Christmas dressing up outfits...we have 2 Elsas, an Anna, a Darth Vader and a Buzz Lightyear....Oh what fun and giggles they all had playing together.

My little apprentice in deep concentration learning to sew...."like Nanny" and.....

....very proudly showing off the finished cushion she had made.  What a beautiful job she made of it too.  :-)

 My last smile I'm sharing with you today is this pic my youngest daughter put on Facebook this week....sort of says it all doesn't it?
I bet you've all got memories of tins like that.  :-)

Now it just leaves me to say please feel free to drop in at any time during the week to add your smiles and link them below and I will post mine each Friday featuring the best from the week before....there was only 4 of you last week so how could I possibly choose just one?  I love you all :-)
Annie x


  1. A fab post Annie - and another generation of needlewomen in training - brilliant! x

  2. I love your eclectic cast of characters!
    What a great picture of a sewing tin - nowadays I'm disappointed to find biscuits and not buttons or threads!! :)
    Have a smiley 2015 x

  3. Loving that photo of the littlies and well done for getting an apprentice...which machine will she be allowed to work on then? Funny enough I have a child's one in my collection that does chain stitch!
    I remember those tins so well and still have lots of projects in tins like this...usually shortbread these days!
    Hugs and Happy New Year!

  4. well done on 100 the dressing up costumes lol

  5. How lovely Annie. Children look delightful in their dressing up outfits. Great you have an apprentice. I've done some sewing with my GD's. Happy New Year Anne x

  6. Lovely family photos as usual Annie. It sounds as though you had a good Christmas. You have set yourself a lot of goals for the New Year!
    I am sorry, but I accidentally linked up last week´s post (6) and then this week´s post (7). I couldn´t find a way to delete the first one but perhaps you can do it for me. Kate x

  7. ahh smiling away here Annie love the shots of your little one sewing very clever :D Shaz in Oz.x

  8. Hi Annie and a very Happy New Year. Your grandkids look wonderful in their costumes and I sure bet they had lots of fun. Wonderful that you've inspired your little one to want to sew, going to take a leaf out of your book and some of your ideas for our little miss. Hugs and happy Friday Robyn

  9. Hi Annie, Gill here formerly of Stamping Lemons. My blog is now called the book magpie. Its great to catch up with you all again. Your little cuties are growing fast arent they and lovely as ever.
    Happy New Year
    Gill X


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