Friday 10 October 2014

This week's smiles....week 88

As you can see I've been sharing my happy moments with you all for 88 weeks now.....wahoo! thats a lot of smiles isn't it?  I'm thrilled to say there have been many of you sharing your smiles with me too and I thank all that have joined in the fun.  There was just three of you last week so I thank all three of you and don't feel it's fair just to pick one.

I've had lots of happy moments since our daughter was discharged from hospital on Tuesday.  She has needed looking after as she can't lift, drive etc for a few weeks so we have spent some quality time together caring for the twinnie munchkins....and the pic I've chosen to share with you this week, I feel, says it all....

I think this little girl has really missed her mummy whilst she's been in hospital for the week.  Since Shells been home she's kept giving her gentle hugs and telling her she loves her....isn't it a gorgeous photo?   

It's soooooo good to be able to say Shell is making a good steady recovery too.  :-)

So there you go folks.  Just one photo from me this week but I feel that's enough to make you smile.  Please share your smiles with us too by linking them below.

Annie x


  1. So glad to hear that Shell is recovering, it must have been such a worrying time for you all. The photo is indeed guaranteed to make everyone smile today. Have a good week. xx

  2. Happy Friday smiles, Annie. What a lovely photo of your two girls...wishes for a speedy recovery for Shell, and a hug for you for taking care of the family at this time. Enjoy your weekend, Cheers Robyn

  3. So glad your daughter is feeling better
    Julie xxxxxxxxxx

  4. Such a beautiful picture Annie and I'm sure you are all happy to see her home and on the mend. I'm off to Germany next week so you can imagine how happy I am.
    love Jo x

  5. What a lovely happy smiley photo, Annie, and so good to see Shell is recovering well at home. With cuddles like that I'm sure she will continue to get better. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  6. Aw Bless. Beautiful photo.
    I hope Shells will forgive me for this!

  7. Hi Annie,

    So glad your daughter is recovering well. The photo is precious, to say the least! I'm joining in this week - I posted and then forgot to come over and link up..... that's the way the week has been!


    PS Now onto your WOYWW post.

  8. It IS a lovely picture. Lexi looks so grown up! How the years go.

    Glad to read your house move has happened -- perhaps we'll catch up one of these days.

  9. Hi Annie sorry to hear your daughter has been poorly I've been a bit behind lately. Lexi looks so happy to have her home. I hope she continues to improve

  10. That truly is a lovely photo. I am glad her mummy is on the mend now. Kate x

  11. I've not only been out of the loop, I've been MIA. I promise to be back next week, though, even if it's just to send a smile or two your way.

    Lexi looks so glad to have her mother home. I know you must feel better, too. And you get quality time with everyone. Glad to see smiles, because it just wouldn't be Friday Smiles without them.

  12. I found your weblog through What is on your workdesk. I love the idea of happy moments.


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