Friday 13 December 2013

This week's smiles......week 48

Another tail chasing week for about you?

Thanks to all that joined in last week.  I am featuring Elizabeth's blog over at Altered book lover for her taking time to decorate her thrown room...she made me chuckle.  Thanks for sharing Elizabeth.

I just have a couple of snaps to share with you this week ...

This was my gorgeous Granddaughter playing Mary at her first school nativity yesterday...and what a beautiful Mary she made too.


Here you can see just how the little twinnie munchkins play the part of partners in crime for their mummy.  She turned her back for just a second and caught them working as a team trying to raid their advent calendar.  :-)
What little monkeys they are eh?

Just a quick posting from me for this week as this morning we are off to see the second nativity of this year...this time it's Lulu's turn....and she is an angel in hers!

Please take a pic of what's made you smile this week and link it below to share it with us.
Annie x


  1. Mary is beautiful, but of course, the twinnies really made me smile! Can never have enough chocolate, right?! Hope you have a great week.

  2. Your granddaughter made a beautiful Mary. She is a real stunner and will be a heart breaker in years to come.

    Those twins are like devils on wheels. What one thinks up, the other comes up with something even funnier. Their mom must have to stay on her toes all the time.

    Thank you for making my throne post your pick of the week. You made my DAY!!

    Have a great weekend and enjoy that next nativity.

  3. Such fun photos - what a lovely time of year for little ones. x Jo

  4. Cheeky monkies indeed but Mary has redeemed them this week!
    I had to laugh at your comment and then realised I had not "censored" my post this week, which I usually do the day before just in case! Nor had I edited the formatting or anything!
    Glad you enjoyed!

  5. A pretty Mary, indeed. What a couple of little tricksters they are the Twinnies! Thanks for the much needed Smiles! Hugs

  6. I've just linked the Scottish Fairy tale Annie :)

    From one extreme to the other, Mary looking so angelic and the two little horrors up to their tricks :) Made me smile!

    Hugs, Di xx

  7. Those twinnies are a real bundle of fun now aren't they, but I'm sure they're not the only two trying to get ahead with their calendars.
    I love the nativity plays. I bet your little one was pleased to be chosen for Mary! the angels usually get the best costumes though! Kate x

  8. They are all so sweet and cute but the twinny munchkins are little imps!!
    Jo x

  9. What a beautiful Mary she makes! And those twins will go far if they have learned to work together already. Watch them climb to the top.
    Bless you

  10. aw, a fabulous Mary. My Maria (going back a hundred years) was the Angel...or star that lead the kings and shepherds to find the baby Jesus. Sorry no visiting for what feels like ages, so busy with my dog walking busness so have added a monday smile instead!


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