Friday 11 October 2013

This week's smiles....week 39

Thanks to all who joined in the fun this last week.  It's really good to know others like to share their smiles too and know all too well how good it makes you feel to focus on the good things in our gets us through the not so good times for sure  :-)

This week I am featuring Elizabeth's happy post.  The picture that won my heart was the one of little Rhian who absolutely adores her uncle Alun.  Elizabeth has snapped a pic of her snuggled up on the sofa with him for a nap.  Alun wasn't feeling too well and I really hope he is feeling much better now.

My snaps today are two to show you why getting up at silly o'clock in a morning is so very worth it....

These two came running up my path three days this week in their pyjamas when it was barely Sam would say  'dark night Nanny'.  They greet me each morning with big smiles and lots of hugs.  Here you can see them, now sitting up at the table, on their new booster chairs and tucking into their breakfasts.  They are both such independent little people now and are such a joy to care for.

I hope my pics have made you smile today....I know these little twins have got quite a fan club out there that have enjoyed watching them grow up.

If you can do simple patchwork please also read the post below this one.

Please have a look around you and find something in your lives that has made you smile this week to share your friends.  Smiling really does make you feel better and is very contagious.


  1. I love the phrase "dark night nanny." I used to say "early morning night time." Not sure where I picked it up, but it always garnered a laugh whenever I said it.

    Your little angels look so big now in their booster seats. What fun they (and you) must have each day.

    I promised I'd be back and I finally made it. That in itself makes ME smile. Thanks for hosting this fun nearly-the-weekend event.

  2. Aw! 'Dark night Nanny' is so sweet!
    Bless them, they are growing scarily fast.

  3. They are so good and so sweet. I love the co-ordinating bibs! Lucky you to share their lives so closely. I'm off to see the newbie any minute so I'm so excited.
    Jo x

  4. Hi Annie, as one of the adorable twins biggest fans I'm always delighted to see snaps of them taken at whatever time, even 'dark night Nanny' :) I wonder if they realise that they are celebrities in blogland yet :)) Thanks for featuring my pic of Rhian snoozing with Uncle Alun - and yes, he was soon feeling better. It was a nothing more than a headache that benefited from a couple of paracetamol and a nap. He's a fit and healthy lad, a talented footballer, with a tendency to stay up too late and miss out on essential sleep - I think they all do at that age. I hope my photos will have you smiling this week too. Hugs, Elizabeth xx

  5. Such little poppets! Thanks for the quilt patch reminder too. x Jo

  6. those twins always make me smile, children keep you grounded and make you feel young dont they.

    hope your week is a good 'un

    Gill x

  7. So those little faces! Thanks for the smile and for hosting us all. Caro x (#9)

  8. What a gorgeous photo Annie!
    They have grown up so much: Sam looks so grown up and Lexi has such pretty blonde hair!
    Oh I cant wait until I am given grandbabies!!

    I am soo sorry to read that the couple have pulled out, you never know what is around the corner though ;)

    Keryn x

  9. Hi Annie can you e mail me the address to send the patchwork square to


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