Friday 26 July 2013

This week's smiles.....week 28

Here we are at another Friday when you are all welcome to link up your happy pics and share them with others to make the world a happier place.  You are very welcome to link your pics any time during the week and next Friday I will chose my favourite blog to feature the following Friday.

Lots joined in last week and there was a lot to smile about but one blog stood out especially to me......
Sylvia joined in by sharing a gorgeous pic of a little happy dog.  It was a really cute pic and made me smile but it must have taken a lot of effort on Sylvia's behalf to find something to smile about as she had just lost someone very special to her.  I really hope the pain of her loss is a little easier by sharing our happy posts and send her big hugs from us all.

This week I'm sharing a photo of my little twinnie grandies taken last weekend on the beach at Tenby in Wales simply because it made me smile but this week I am challenging you all to write a slogan to go with it.

I want you to leave a comment saying what you think Sam is whispering to Lexi...they have just learnt to whisper and make us giggle when they do it.  Go on give it a me when I say anything is possible cos they really are little partners in crime now.  :-)

....and I just might chose the best one and find a little prize for you for joining in the fun.

Annie x


  1. Oh Annie, what a delightful photo of Sam and Lexi! It's good enough to enter in a 'Toddlers' photo competition - and win as well!

    I just KNOW that Sam is whispering 'Don't look now Lexi, there's a rather sick looking surfer behind you who got the tides mixed up!'

    Hugs, and thanks for a great smile :))

    Di xx

  2. gorgeous photo Annie. I'll have to guess later, my little one wants to do some scrapbooking like NOW.

  3. That is truly gorgeous Annie - can't write down what I first thought so my second caption would be "don't be scared Lexi, big bro will look after you"

    Hugs and thanks for the gorgeous share
    Neet xx

  4. That is a gorgeous shot ....It would look great as a poster with your chosen caption....and a scrapbook page ofcourse.xx
    I am sure they are plotting something... maybe its ....
    'If we bury the keys, we could stay on the beach for ever and ever'

  5. Fabulous picture there Annie. That is just crying out for a layout!
    My caption would be...
    "Psst. I don't like to say this but you ain't got no strides on!!
    Tee Hee!

  6. It just captures their personalities perfectly! I think Sam is saying -"You know we buried Dad up to his neck in the sand...well do you think he's noticed the tide is coming in! " x Jo

  7. 'What's the plan to get Nanny to buy us ice cream?'
    Those angelic faces, I can't believe they'd do anything naughty!!
    Have an utterly rubbish connection at the moment and so can't post my smile... come on Mr BT-man...

  8. haha love all the ideas Annie!!!! I am sorry but I just can't think of one, am too hot!!!! But they are so darned cute my lovely and that curly hair is to die for xxx

  9. Hi Annie,

    What an adorable photo!! They are getting so big. It's amazing that I've watched them from the beginning - all the way from here in New Mexico!

    I'll have to join in on the fun in the future.


  10. Oops posted my they're conspiring thoughts on my log post.
    "She has cookies! You go right as a distraction. I'll go left and grab em, meet at the swings."

  11. Hi Annie, love this photo of those adorable twins. Lot of great suggestions as to what Sam is whispering to Lexi but could be it's "do you think Nanny would notice if we took some of this squidgy stuff home to make mud pies? Thanks again for the Friday treat :) Elizabeth xx

  12. Lovely photo's I'm sharing some of my Granddaughter's name ceremonympictures...((Lyn))


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