Saturday 13 July 2013

Just a few questions and answers .........

I found this on Tracy's blog and thought I would join in. I thought it was a little thought provoking and would love others to join in too.

1. Where is your cell/mobile phone? Next to me of course.
2. Your hair? Grey and short.
3. Your mother? Died 15 years ago.
4. Your father? Died 24 years ago.
5. Your favourite food? At the moment..... strawberries fresh picked from the garden.
6. Your dream last night? In a building with many, many floors and having to go to bed on the top floor!
7. Your favourite drink? (hot) Coffee - (cold) Fruit juice
8. Your dream/goal? To move to a bungalow.
9. What room are you in? Sitting room.
10. Your hobby? Fabric crafts mainly but anything creative.
11. Your fear? Spiders and snakes.
12. Where do you want to be in 6 years? Living happily in a bungalow.
13.Where were you last night? Home after doing the supermarket shopping in Sainsbury's.
14. Something that you aren’t? Tall and slim.
15. Muffins? No  thanks....not allowed on a diabetic diet. :-(
16. Wish list item? A new sewing room fitted with lots of storage.
17. Where did you grow up? In the house I'm living in.
18. Last thing you did? Made a new tag book during a crafty afternoon with big sis.
19. What are you wearing? Cream linen crop linen trousers and a blue summer top.
20. Your TV? 32" flat screen.
21. Your pet? 2 cairn terriers.
22. Friends? Many very special ones.....I'm very lucky.
23. Your life? Blessed.
24. Your mood? Happy.
25. Missing someone? Yes
26. Vehicle? Automatic ford focus.
27. Something you’re not wearing? Anything on my feet.
28. Your favourite store? Fabric/craft shops.
29. Your favourite colour? Blues / Purples / Pinks
30. When was the last time you laughed? This afternoon with that big sister of mine.
31. Last time you cried? Probably at something daft on the telly.
32. Your best friend? I have many and all would come running if I needed them  :-)
33. One place that you go to over and over? Into my sewing room :-)
34. One person who emails you regularly? No 'one' person but many do  :-)
35. Favourite place to eat? Anywhere as long as I don't have to cook.

Now you've learnt a little more about me maybe you would like to join in the fun and tell me a little more about leave me a comment to tell me you are joining in so I will know  :-)


  1. this is so much fun...
    very nice questionnaire! Thanks for sharing with of of us your little fun secrets!
    keep in touch!

  2. That dream sounds more like a nightmare! Thanks for joining in.

  3. I like that, it gives an additional insight into 'you'!! :)

  4. Fun, little form! Lots of answers the same, happy weekend.


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