Wednesday 9 January 2013


It's Wednesday again folks......where does the time go?

Jo and I have had a busy week sorting out our blog shop and would like to give the heads up to all our WOYWW friends that there are 4 goodie bags full [only 3 bags left now!] of Crafter's accessories up for grabs in the January sale.  We have cleared off all that was left on the Crafter's accessories shelf and made up four bags with goodies worth over £40.00 each and they are going on a first come first served basis for just £10.00 a bag!!!  Just click here to have a look and email either Jo or I and we will put your name on the one of your choosing.

 I have emptied all my wool rovings out onto my table today to have a good sort through and decide what colour my next Feltie will be so here's my mess in all it's glory .....

What a table full of yumminess.

I am really loving making my new range of Love Bugs and thought you would like to see them all sat together on my desk today....

You can see the latest addition that has been added after our Funday Monday afternoon on the right of the pic.  Her name is Love Bug Flutter and she has now joined the others in the blog shop.

The other photo I wanted to show you today is my one I am calling.....

 'the promise of things to come'
Everywhere I look in our garden there is new life.  There are bulbs shooting up everywhere and a lot of our shrubs are also shooting out little buds of life.  I love this time of year.  :-)

Thanks for calling by today.  If you would like to leave me a little hello comment I will do my best to pay you a return visit in between my sewing jobs today.
Annie x


  1. Well - you didn't take long to finish little Flutter. She is cute. x Jo

  2. Happy WOYWW. Adorable Love Bugs. I don't think much has stopped growing in Pembrokeshire, as it has been so mild. Hubby has even been moving the lawns! Ali x #40

  3. I love the love bugs, especially the latest one. It is always good to see the bulbs coming through. We have early almond blossom out behind us, but that doesn't mean we haven't still got our worst two months to come. Have a great week. Kate x #57

  4. New shoots - and we haven't really had winter yet, I hope they survive and thrive! Happy WOYWW, Helen. 7

  5. I think it's importnat for our souls to see signs of new life at this time of year, sure helps me plow on! Look at all those rovings..I had to sit back a bit to get the proportion, thought perhaps they were on a chair! Lovely colours, have fun deciding what to use's like being a kid in a sweet shop!

  6. Hi Annie awh your little bugs are gorgeous. What a talent you have. You and Jo sound to be off to a good start to the year
    Lynn x

  7. lovely colours of yummyness.
    those bugs are so cute.

  8. Those bugs are so cute! Great idea. don't think I'll be taking you up on your crafty sale offer but I think I've got enough and I'm sure you will agree! I was tempted but resisted! Hee hee!
    Isn't it thrilling to see Nature pushing through the cold hard earth. It does give hope....
    hugs Jo x

  9. Love those love bugs! Hope you are having a wonderful week!

  10. Andy would kill me if I bought any more stuff at present, it is falling out of cupboards all the time here but thanks for the heads up on the bargains.
    Love the felties and I want to stroke all those pretty rovings.
    Daffs pushing their way through in my garden as well but a bit of cold will soon stop that. Don't mind the cold but hate all this rain, drizzling as I type and it's so miserable out there.
    Have a good week.
    Ann B

  11. Loving the love bugs!

    ** Kate **

  12. Oh these Love Bugs are just fantastic - so, so cute! And you are right everything is shooting up in our gardens, but I worry the winter is not over yet!
    Have a lovely 2013!
    Lots of hugs and love

  13. Oh Annie, what a delightful post and what adorable bugs. So cute.
    Love the picture of what is to come In The garden, guess there will still be a lot of tidying on ours when we get back.
    Thanks for visiting me, always pleasure to visit you.
    Hugs, neet xx 11

  14. I wish I could see signs of cooler weather coming. We are in the middle of a massive heat wave - not at all pleasant.
    Love the little love bugs.
    Happy WOYWW!
    Tertia #17

  15. Hi Annie,

    Look at those cute little love bugs! You are so creative.

    Oh, love seeing green break through the ground. Unfortunately that doesn't happen here until April or so.


  16. We've got blue sky today, yay, it makes everyone feel so much better! So it's great to see the lovely shoots bursting out of the ground.
    Those bags of rainbows on your table are rather lovely! Where do you get your rovings from? Actually, I'd never heard that word until I started reading your and Jo's blogs!!!
    Hugs, LLJ 38 xxxx

  17. Oh Annie, I just adore those love bugs, they are so cute! And you are so clever making them. Loving all those rovings too, it looks like you have a very creative time ahead of you. How lovely too, to see the spring plants pusing through the soil. Happy WOYWW, Anne x #47

  18. Love the cute felties. Looking forward to learning more about them in the future. They are new to me.

    I am new to WYOWW and a friend of Sandee. I hope you get a chance to check out my blog and desk.
    Lori #81

  19. Those love bugs are gorgeous! I love the look of all the lovely wool rovings on the table...yummy indeed! Thanks for sharing. Caro #46

  20. Your felt cuties are just so adorable Annie.
    Your bulbs are definitely more advanced than ours. They'll get a shock if we get a sudden cold snap won't they.
    Happy WOYWW
    Hugs Lisax #59

  21. It's always amzing to think that your spring is starting and our winter is starting! It will be nice to see your lovely pictures when we are feeling cold and dreary! Love the bugs! waving hi from the hills of North Carolina :)

  22. Beautiful pile of rovings - love it when I open mine up! Your love bugs are certainly a happy looking bunch! Looking forward to spring bulbs being out! Chris#87ps Hubby wanted to see film in 3d- I just shut my eyes - lots of battles with monsters coming towards me - and the story is not over yet - so another film next year!!!

  23. Lovely love bugs Annie so cute. Noticed new signs of life in our garden as well this week. Very uplifting. Happy WOYWW Anne x #135

  24. love the little love bugs, where did you find the inspiration? They are so cute.

    caroline #123

  25. Super sweet love bugs, and signs of Spring too! Belated Happy WOYWW, I got sidetracked yesterday, hugs, Di xx #32

  26. Hiya ,
    happy New year to you and yours!
    Im loving the love bugs soooo cute!
    Yes it is lovely to see the little bit of spring coming through the gardens after so much damp dismal weather!
    have fab week off to see if i can find my mojo fromall these wonderful desks and get creating again
    hugs judex 144

  27. Hi those bugs so cute.
    Let's hope the new growth is Ok snow on it's way they are saying
    Hugs x

  28. Oh my, Annie, those little bugs are breeding at a rate of knots and all so cute!! My lovely poppy felt picture arrived in the post just now and its even more beautiful in real life!! Annette

  29. Hullo there Annie, ah a very busy post again today... and did peek at your goodie bags but cost to Oz would be prohibitive, but great offers! and your wee bugs super cute!!..
    Thanks so much for popping over and thanks for sharing ~ happy WOYWW! Shaz in Oz. x #6

  30. Super cute Love Bugs!!!

    Jeannie #60

  31. Hi Annie,

    Looks like you're making a great start to the New Year.

  32. Your Love Bugs are wonderful, but it's the table full of rovings that makes my heart flutter, even though I don't felt. I think it's just all the colour and possibilities. Thank you for visiting, it's always lovely to hear what you think.


  33. Love those lickle bugs there. Lovely to see the new growth but I do worry about this snow that is on its way. We have snowdrops flowering their heads off too!

  34. Aw, spring! Everyone loves it! And everyone loves Love Bugs, too! Yours are adorable, Annie!!

    I'm still hopping along WOYWW, better late than never, right? Enjoy the rest of your week! Darnell #30

  35. Those lovebugs sure are cute and I love seeing your smiley face posts too!


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