Friday 2 November 2012

Even on a bad week there is always lots to smile about...

Firstly I want to say a huge thank you to all who called by on Wednesday and left me get well messages. I really enjoyed browsing about 110 of the WOYWW desks.....what a clever lot you all are.  I'm pleased to say that I do feel rather better this's a b****** horrid thing this Norovirus and I really do hope none of you get it.  We seem to have had a week of headaches, high temperatures, sickness and diarrhoea....yuck!

Now I am going to share with you some of the many pics that have made me smile while I've been poorly.

My youngest daughter, Amy, has had a fun week with her three getting ready for Halloween.....

They have baked scary buns,
made scary masks,
made a wonderful pumpkin 
and dressed up to have trick or treat fun.

Thankfully the twins are now starting to feel rather better and you can see they are pretty good at re hydrating after their nasty bug.

Lexi thinks their toy garage is a good place to learn to climb mountains!

My son Mark's fiance has graduated......and we are so very proud of you Gina [don't they make a lovely couple?]

And to top off my week my eldest daughter, Michelle, has turned designer and has very proudly made some cosy toes to keep the twins warm in their push chair....following in mother's footsteps it seems  :-)

It seems even on the worst of weeks there is always a lot to smile about.  I really hope my pics make you smile too and you have a great weekend.
Annie xxxx


  1. Hello and good morning! Looks like you might be a bit better too.... lovely post and it's good that you can still look on the bright side.
    Those little monsters are so cute and I bet they all had fun. I see Lexi is getting into the curly girly gang to join my 3!
    Yes! Mark & Gina do make a lovely couple and congratulations to her!
    Well done Michelle making that fab cosy toes! I note it's Sam will be the front runner!!!
    Have a good weekend, love Jo x

  2. Thanks for sharing Annie-you know I love to live vicariously through your grandies,, not having any of my own. Love the cosy toes-I remember my daughter used to scream when we tried to insert her into hers. My excellent and much missed MIL solved the problem by putting fasteners in the side!!

  3. Hi Annie, so glad to see you seem to be on the mend - those bugs can take a lot out of you so do continue to take things easy for a while yet.

    It looks as though your little 'monsters' enjoyed dressing up - it's all great fun.

    Glad to see the munchkins are following the doctor's advice to take plenty fluids - and I'd say Lexi is well on the way to recovery now that she is climbing! They have no fear at that age :)

    Congratulations to Mark's fiance - and yes, they do make a lovely couple.

    Those cosy toes are lovely - it does look as though you've passed on the gene. I remember my delight at discovering cosy toes when my son was born 42 years ago ... this was in Germany. I'd never, ever seen them used in Scotland so this was a bit of a revelation, they were perfect for keeping your baby warm ... and dry too - I found a waterproof version :)

    Enjoy your weekend, taking it easy, of course. Hugs, Elizabeth with a belated happy WOYWW, x #76

  4. Glad to hear you're feeling a bit better Annie. Those sort of bugs do take it out of you a bit. Glad to see the grandies are on the mend too. Lexi seems to be an adventurous one, is she the leader of the two?
    Love those halloween costumes they look so cute. I remember making a cosy toes for my eldest son's push-chair and like Elizabeth put an opening down the side to make it easier to get him in and out. I used Velcro I remeber - quite new at the time 37 years ago I think!!
    Have a good and relaxing weekend. By the way congratulations to your DIL2B, a great acheivement. xx

  5. What a happy bunch they all are and, thankfully, better after the "bug"! Hope you are feeling perkier on this sunny morning. x Jo

  6. So glad you're on the mend Annie and those cute twins too xx

  7. Glad to hear you’re on the mend at last Annie,
    Your Friday photos are as lovely as ever, so thanks for sharing the little ones Halloween celebrations and all the other pictures.

    Hope you have a good weekend.

  8. Hello Annie,

    Long time no speak! Sorry to hear that you've been so poorly I do hope you are well on the mend now :)

    What stunning photos of your grandees, they sure bring smiles to everyone's faces!

    Take care

  9. I am so glad you are feeling a bit better now. you stay so positive. You are an inspiration to us all.
    The photos are lovely. Congratulations to Gina. it was such a proud day for us when our son graduated.
    The twns look ready to get back to their usual mischief.
    Take it easy for a bit longer and get quite better soon.
    Kate x

  10. Glad to hear you are all feeling better now. Naughty Lexi, but us girls do tend to be the adventurers while the men sit and watch!
    Those cozy toes look great and well done Michelle
    P.S. My FF is usually scheduled at 10am so you don't need to sit and wait! xx

  11. So glad you are all on the mend. Great halloween shots to make us smile and I can see that the year to come with the twins, will be testing you as a Grandma ...forget two pairs of eyes ,I think you will need three.xx

  12. Everybody is gorgeous. Lovely pics
    Lynn x

  13. Congratulations on having such a talented family. Love the Halloween makes and the buggy "cosy toes". Congrats to the soon to be dil and thanks to you for those lovely grandee photos.
    Glad you are feeling a lot better.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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