Friday 5 October 2012

A mother of twins needs nerves of steel!

Firstly I must wish that much older sister of mine a really happy birthday...

Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to you,
Happy birthday to Jo,
Happy birthday to you,

It's not every day you are 21 again is it?
[....well, that and another 40 more but shhhhhh don't tell any one will you? ].  Age is just a number and in her case it's a number 6 bigger than mine  :-)....for those that don't know I do love her very much and it's just a standing joke we have always grown up having...honest  :-)

As always I do my best to find you a snap or two to make you smile on a Friday and there are some of you who commented last week that they missed pics of the twins so today I'm sharing pics of Nanny's hair salon!

As you know they come to play with me on a Tuesday while Mummy teaches.  When Mummy came to collect them this week she commented that her hubby was away for the night with work so we decided to bath the twins here to help.  They would just need their milk and to be put to bed when they got home.  They both needed their hair washing and as you know they each have a good head of hair [they have already had 4 hair cuts!]  so it needed drying too.

As you can see Lexi is the real little lady and just loves being fussed and having her hair dried.

Sam had other ideas!

Sorry about the blurred's really not easy to take moving pics!

[...but I will add no child was harmed during the filming of these pics!  :-)  ]

The other thing I am sharing is a text Shell sent me this week.....

My heart is in my mouth!  Sat in lounge and I can hear twins giggling in what I think is hall!  Suddenly I think hang on it sounds like they're in the wet room [downstairs]....I run they are both upstairs!!! Have climbed the stairs themselves and are having a whale of a time up there!!  I feel sick!!  Thought I'd shut the stair gate but it hadn't caught on the catch....panic over!  Both downstairs now!!

Can't you just imagine them scheming when they realised the gate would open?  Lexi would have said 'Come on Sam lets go and play with the toys in our bedrooms!'..... and yes I do mean Lexi cos she is the instigator of any mischief.  :-)  You really do need nerves of steel with twins...and of course eyes in the back of your head!  No harm done but I bet the stair gate will be padlocked in future!

I know you will all be sympathetic even if you are now grinning at the little monkey's adventure.  I'm sure we have all been there....I know I have!

Have a great weekend and keep smiling.
Annie x


  1. I didn't have twins but two under two. (this was 1981/82 and stairgates then weren't as sophisticated as now!) They cottoned on you could pull our stairgate from the bottom and crawl underneath. Babies are very clever!
    Julie xxxxxxx

  2. Firstly, love the hairdressing pictures Annie :)

    Super tale, I hate to admit, about the twinnies navigating their way upstairs - talk about double trouble.

    In the Summer when they were here, Mia and Livi managed to get into my craft room. Mia found a pair of scissors (the scissor rack wasn't as out of reach as I'd thought) and snipped the weights off their Peppa Pig balloons. Needless to say one flew straight off when Mia took it outside and there were tears and wails - amidst sighs of relief from me that it was only the balloon ribbons they chopped!! Gotta have eyes in the back of your head for sure - and I'm just not used to it!! :))

    Have a super weekend!! Off to wish Jo a Happy Birthday now. Hugs, Di xx

  3. My heart has returned to its normal pace now!phew that was a close one! Glad no one fell down the stairs! I double and triple check the catch it on the stair gates now!! Happy friday everyone! Shell x

  4. Your Friday smiles always work for me!
    Loving the beauty salon shots…typical boy, won’t sit still, Lol.

    I guess it must be a whole different ball game for S now the twins are walking Annie and no matter how on your toes you think you are they will always find some a new mischief to get up to.
    Have a great weekend

  5. Oh blimey!!!! I can just imagine the Lexi/Sam conversation when they noticed the gate would open and they could escape!! Little monkeys. Love the photos and thanks for the birthday reminder!!!

  6. Awww! I have to laugh as it takes me back to when my sister's twins were small. It was Angharad who was the instigator of trouble too!! Rhys was the little Angel if you can believe it. Hee Hee. Thanks for the Happy Thoughts!!

  7. Ooooh, just got your message and I do hope little Sam is OK. What a shock it must have been for all of you. Carol's (stampattack)little grandee Yasmine did the same when she was only one. Luckily they heal far quicker the us old dudes so I hope Sam does too.
    Have a good weekend if you can!
    Jo x

  8. Love those hair dressing pics too!!
    Thanks for visiting and commenting
    Judy #27

  9. Annie I have just seen your comment on Di's blog. Hee Hee! My little namesake is a little tearaway isn't he! Hope he is ok and I am sure you will be posting pics up later!! LOL!
    What a beautiful day we have today!! Starting my C puddings off today :-)

  10. Oh no Annie - I can't believe it - they came through unscathed after the Great Escape and now Sam breaks his little leg crawling. Poor little sausage :(

    Give him extra big get well soon hug please from me - and pour yourself a big glass of wine. Talk about living life on the edge!!

    Hugs, Di xx

  11. Lovely photographs, really enjoyed them - what a lovely bath-time. Ooh, little terrors, no wonder mummy got a fright and it is hard to believe that those two angelic wee ones can scare mummy like they do.
    Thanks for sharing.
    Hugs, Neet xx


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