Friday 24 August 2012

Need a bank loan...

It never fails to amaze me what you can buy these days and with first birthdays up and coming there have been searches for suitable presents.  How about these?

Biker boy like daddy?

A girly pink set of wheels?

"We are even happy to share one Nanny!"

Needless to say that's not what they are having even if some of them are half price in the sale!....but it is fun trying them out.  :-)

Hope you have enjoyed my Friday's smile snaps for this week.  Have a great weekend.
Annie x


  1. Oooer, I'll have the cute little pink car please :) Lovely photos Annie - so hard to believe the twins are almost a year old. They're gorgeous! Hugs, Di xx

    And, huh, so you wouldn't even do the ironing here! :(

  2. They are nearly one! Where did that year go?
    Julie xxxxxxxxx

  3. They both look like they can handle their vehicles well. Get 'em booked in for their test! x Jo

  4. Aren't they gorgeous little people! Have fun buying the pressies....xo

  5. Lovely smile on a Sunday morning - yes, it has taken me until now to get around. Love those cars and I do think the bike is rather special. Cannot believe how these two have grown up so quickly. What a great source of joy for you.
    Hugs, Neet xx

  6. Oh look at them enjoying the ridiculous-large-and-nowhere-to-put them type toys, so much better that there's always something at the toy shop for them to enjoy while you browse!
    Lte visit for WOYWW non? Love the empire line dresses from the Austen era, would happily float around in one of those! Mind, don't fancy having to alter the blouses..or indeed the 21st century jeans. Talk about all or nothing in terms of work Annie, it's the same for us..weird.

  7. They look so cute! Love them in the car together! :) x

  8. Can I have the grown up version please? A lickle Fiat 500 is my dream please! Not bothered about colour! I have a few on my desks (home and work) but no-one has bought me one yet!
    Maybe I have as good a chance as the twinnies have!

  9. LOL! I think you have to tell them no cars until they can pay for the insurance themselves! ;-)


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