Wednesday 11 January 2012


Hello to all my wonderful blogging friends. Since last Wednesday I have sewn and sewn til my hands ache and 'done rail' is now full to capacity there are 6 motor cross bike trousers in a huge bag below it that have all been finished too [and what a job they were!....stiff and heavy]

....but my 'to do' rail still looks like this and I have much more still in bags waiting to be done.

Plus my ironing board looks like this today...and that can mean only one thing....wahoooooo I have another order for one of my Mr Tumble lookie likey dolls.  The last one you saw sitting here keeping me company went to a really good home just before Christmas.

So, I would have to say business wise it's been a really good week and long may it last cos we have a Wedding to pay for this year as you will have seen in the last post  :-)

Church and Reception venues...... booked
Wedding dress.....bought [needs altering]
4 Bridesmaids dresses....bought this week [pretty coral pink and need altering]
Wedding the planning stage.....Thinking....Ivory / Coral / Pink / Gerberas / Butterflies.....any suggestions for a simple design are very welcome.

 So?  You see I'm leading a pretty hectic life but that's pretty normal here.  I've still managed a bit of knitting and now have only 4 more squares to make before I can join them together and then crochet the edging on the latest baby blanket.  Do pop over to Julia's blog and check out all the other crafty spaces [I'm sure there are many more far more exciting than mine this week] but do leave me a quick hello comment before you go and I will do my best to pay you a visit in between my sewing jobs today.
PS don't forget to pop to the prev post and make your guess to join in my celebration fun to be in with a chance to win.  No one has got it exactly right as yet....folk just don't realise what a great team we make and how much we can get done in a day [well 5 hours of it anyway] :-) :-) :-)


  1. Gosh what an excellent start to 2012. How very special your wedding shall be especially after all you have been through a family recently.It is good that 2012 holds something so heart warming for you all :) Here's to Mr Tumble looky like dolls!

  2. Woo Hoo! Got to love a wedding! ...well at least as a guest! Try not to stress too much over it! It will be fabulous when it comes! -Amanda 34

  3. I think you've packed enough into the past 12 months to last a lifetime!! How lovely to hear that your daughter's getting married, have fun planning :)
    Hugs, LLJ #26 xx
    PS I back each bunting flag with white cotton, so just sew down two sides of the triangle and then turn it right side out and iron flat. It doesn't take up any more time and gives a nicer finish. xx

  4. Oh you have been a busy bee!! Not just clearing the rail but also organising a wedding! Huh! Very good! I am back now, thank you for all your kind comments and for missing me!
    Have a lovely day, don't work too hard!
    Lots of hugs,

  5. What a great way to start 2012. Busy, busy. My hands hurt just looking at those bike trousers.

    Happy WOYWW (#3).

  6. How did I know the wedding dress would need altering, lol. I think I know just the woman for the job! The list looks like things are very organised.

    Am I the only one who finds the sight of Mr Tumbles hair on your ironing board slightly disturbing? There used to be a childrens programme where something like that used to zip around behind the presenters, you will have me trying to remember that all day now.

    ** Kate **

  7. Busy, busy, busy! great stuff.
    I've got butterfly dies BTW! Really must get our heads together re invites etc. will email, love JoZarty x

  8. Wow motor cross trousers? Your machine must be fantastic! I recall reading on a forum that there is no Mr Tumble bag available commercially, there you go - another line to boost your business income.

  9. Your life is so full - full of highs and lows (like many of us) but I really hope that as you have such good things to look forward to that 2012 is a very good year for your entire family. Oh, and that cake in the last post looks fabulous!

  10. I don't have a 'to do rail' like you but I do have a list and so far today I have done..... nothing on it! Too much time spent on the pooter this morning a rare chance to get on whilst B wasn't here as we are sharing the pooter at the mo mine being v poorly, dead I think really.
    Best get on you have put me to shame!

  11. Busy Bee Life you lead, that cake loks fab, Hugs May x x x

  12. Sounds like you've got the New Year off to a storming start, Annie, that's brilliant. Nothing like being kept busy.
    Hugs Lisax #99

  13. Hope that to do rail is getting lighter by the minute! If only I had the opportunity to get near my machine - ironing & cleaning this aft then maybe tomorrow.....

  14. I may never recover from seeing Mr Tumbles hair like that - now imagining him scalped :D

    Busy, busy, busy can only be a good thing :D

  15. Our Son is finslly getting hitched after 10 yrs together and two children (Mr Tumbles new home) in April but it will be up in Yorkshire so I don't have to start panicking yet!! Well apart from getting an outfit and choosing shoes and a hat. I'm panicking!!!!!
    Hugs Mrs A.

  16. wow, you have been busy, you put me to shame! well done on all the wedding organizing!
    Happy WOYWW! Debxx#115/116

  17. Oh Annie, your output of work never fails to amaze me, where on earth do you find the time I ask myself and now a Wedding to plan too……master of all trades comes to mind here!

    I’m loving the materials that you’ve picked for Mr Tumble but for a split second I thought you had a Golden Retriever’s holding it all on your ironing board for you with his paw…..then I realised it’s Mr Tumbles hair, Lol!

    Thanks for stopping by again this week and ……..

    Happy Sewing, Knitting and Happy anything else you manage to fit in this week, Lol!


  18. woo wwoooo

    sounds like a challenge, give me the weekend to come back, copy and paste your colours and ideas and I'll have a go at some designs for your invites - do you want to be able to have them printed or are you so crazy you want to make them yourself?


  19. You are definitely very busy! Sounds like it's all under control.

    The colors for the invitations sound great!!

    Happy WOYWW #45

  20. After the year you've just had, it's lovely to read such good news. And, goodness, what did you have to alter on those cross bike trousers ... the length, I thought they tucked them into their boots anyway :) Looks as though the organisation for the wedding is well in hand - ivory & coral would be lovely and for me it would be butterflies but gerberas are pretty too - happily the decision is not mine. Have a great week, Elizabeth x #96

  21. Ohhh it sounds like it is definitely time for your family to celebrate in 2012. Glad you mentioned the hair is for Mr Tumble otherwise I thought you were expanding into hairdressing as well.

  22. Yikes, the hair freaked me out a bit! Love the sound of coral and ivory - butterflies would be sooo good, and very 'in' at the moment too. Happy WOYWW Annie! Di xx

  23. Glad that you are having a good if somewhat busy start to the year. How wonderful to have a wedding to plan and look forward to. I so enjoyed the planning and the dyas themselves when my two sons got married. I was very lucky that my then D'sI.L to be included me in all the preparations and I made one of the wedding cakes. Take care and thankyou for visiting my blog. Anne x

  24. I'm seeing how many I can get round this way.then when I have finished I'll come back again, that is if I can STOP reading all the posts first Happy WOYWW

    LOu P

  25. There may be more exciting desks Annie, but I doubt it , and I doubt there are any busier! so happy to see that M and her man are looking forward, takes a lot of strength to do that after their year. I'm late visiting already because I thought I was busy! Don't the Mr Tumble fabrics look cheerful (and way more handle-able) after all that biking gear!

  26. Blimey Annie, you have been busy, well done you! Good luck with Mr Tumble. xxx

  27. Hooray for finishing projects! I have a huge pile that needs mending.

    Katie (159)

  28. How do you manage to fit all those things into your day? You are making me feel exhausted just reading your blog this week. Hope all your wedding preparations go well. xx Maggie #105

  29. Your to do rail is always a challenging fellow! Hope you won't be stitching on the big day! Thanks for the peek in to your crafty space...Sarah at 6

  30. Mr Tumble looks brilliant. Not a show I know as mine have long outgrown CBeebies!Have fun with the wedding plans. I so enjoyed making my wedding dress and bridesmaids outfits for all my little nieces :o)


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