Thursday 1 December 2011

Christmas is coming...

I cleared my 'to do' rail yesterday and then made the 4 new stockings I had on order so thought I'd share a quick snap of them all hanging together..

Don't they look fab?  Three of course are for our new family members but the other one was ordered for another new baby brother due to arrive very soon.  I wonder what Santa will find to put in these this year.  :-)

So? What did you get up to yesterday?


  1. Aw so cute Annie! Still laughing about the pig meat - oink! What did I do yesterday? With this 'I'm gonna hang round and make you miserable' cold I ended up going to help out a friend - her internet was more important than the risk of a cold she decided :( Yeah, right - our little support guy in India was having a giraffe surely - I ended up lying on the floor unscrewing telephone socket plates from the wall!!! Off there again in an hour to stop them bamboozling her when a support chap comes out to look - I knew it would end in tears!! Of laughter - I flipping well couldn't get up again!!! Di xx

  2. How cute they look and reminds me that I've got to make a named one for Germany and post it off !!!
    Re the paper cuts... .wait for the next ones... a sleigh and reindeer... you'll manage those no probs. I left the easiest till last!
    Love jo x

  3. AWE! these are really cute hanging all together! I am just adoring that ABC worth the effort Annie and will be cherished I am sure. Poor Santa but doesn't he look happy in his lovely warm hat??? HUGS xxx

  4. They are so sweet! Love the way the names curve around.

  5. Just giggling at Di's comment!! love the stockings - might make one for G - lol!!!!!

  6. Wonderful stockings.
    I packed some presents yesterday, went shopping, took cats for their injections and then finished cross stitching a picture which is a Christmas gift.
    I'm having my first blog 'Giveaway', hope you'll visit and take part.
    Crol xx

  7. Aaaaaw! They are lovely
    Julie xxxxxx


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