Friday 18 November 2011

Your Friday's smile.....

'I've heard Nanny is building an Ark.  Do you think my baby bath will float Mummy?'

Louise loves dressing up and the best toys of the day today are an old sun hat and her baby bath  :-)

Who says you have to spend a fortune on expensive toys?

Also for those wondering how her little brother Stephen is getting on here he is.  He, and his two big sisters, had a cold last week but is now thankfully feeling much better.  
Isn't he just gorgeous?....but of course I am biased.  :-)

Hope you all have a great weekend.


  1. Oh Annie - what precious photos! And so true about imagination being a whole lot more fun than expensive toys. So, where is the young lady setting sail for? Obviously somewhere warm because of the sunhat :) Hugs, Di xx

  2. Such lovely photos. The 1st brought a smile and the 2nd a big aaaahh! Great was to start the day...
    love Jo x

  3. Little S is coming on so well.
    I remember you playing like that in your baby bath!! Hope you remember to give them all big hugs from old Aunty Jo! x

  4. Hello Annie,

    What super photos youve put up this week, they are all just gorgeous and its so lovely to see the babies growing well and looking so beautiful/handsome!

    What a busy week youve had so far Im sure youve had a ball! No wonder the weeks are flying by!

    Have a beautiful weekend,
    Keryn x

  5. Wonderful photos, gorgeous children.
    Hope you have a great weekend too.
    Carol xx

  6. No you are right..totally gotgeous they all are..lucky lucky you
    Hugs x

  7. oh my goodness.......what beautiful children! you are truly are blessed!

    thanks for sharing.
    love Teen xx

  8. So sweet. Joe used to sit in the dog basket to play !

  9. Gorgeous photos! I just blogged about your lovely dresses. Thanks so much. x


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