Thursday 27 October 2011

Wooly wellies!

Most of you will have seen on yesterday's post what I would have classed as a knitting failure....and here's the proof.

"Oh Nanny.  What have you knit me now?  They won't fit me 'til I'm ready for school and they let in the rain!"


  1. Hilarious Annie! Poor little Lexi - she won't thank you for waving this round at her 18th birthday party! Thanks for a good smile this morning! Di xx

  2. But they look so cosy don't they! Start a trend - baby woolly wellies - it might catch on. x Jo

  3. Well I said they were cute yesterday.... and I think they're even cuter now!!! :o) Her little feet will certainly not be cold that's for sure x

  4. So sweet - just call it growing room ;)

  5. Di again - I keep hopping back in for another smile :)) xx

  6. Fantastic! She looks like her opinion of the is not repeatable!

    ** Kate **

  7. Awwwww - cuteness overload lol lol!!!!! What an adorable photo!! I don't think they're a failure at all, I think they're gorgeous! And being modelled so beautifully too! Happy WOYWW Shoshi #84

  8. I could do with those for going to bed in!! Looks like they might fit me!!! Sorry that was rude of me wasn't it ;0D

    A very belated Happy birthday it looks like you had a wonderful day with your increasing family around you. Is that it for babies for a while?!

    Congratulations on the latest arrival he looks very earnest and wise and, as you say, as though he has been here before.

  9. hahahaha, sweet. Well, as a child, I was always bought clothes I would 'grow into' but don't remember having quite as much room as in those bootees.
    But doesn't she look cute.
    Carol xx

  10. What a difference a month makes. so cute. Hugs Mrs A.

  11. Just commented above and now I see this one. Another great LO and your penning is brilliant! Hugs, Neet x


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