Friday 21 October 2011

The postman has just called....

My postman has just called with two amazing parcels from a very special lady.  Most of you will know Tricia from Tricias Confetti and my parcels are from her today.  I have filled my ironing board to overflowing with all she has sent us.  It includes.
  • 14 Pillow cases
  • 2 Double quilt covers and
  • 3 Double sheets
to be used for the little dresses we are making for the Dress a girl around the world scheme.  It is such a truly generous donation and we will make big efforts to get little dresses cut out and made as soon as we just seems to have got in the way for me lately but I promise it will all get used in time.

What gorgeous bright colours too.  Thanks so much Tricia.
Also as promised here is a quick snap of the 5 little dresses that I managed to make on Wednesday

Numbers 81,82,83,84 and 85

The lighting was poor this morning but you will probably notice I am certainly in the pink  :-)

Yesterday was spent filling my 'to do' rail with work while I had special 'Nanny Annie time' with M and her gorgeous twinnies so today is a catch up Friday to clear my sewing mountain.  Hope you all have a great weekend.
A x


  1. great project, so glad you are still working on it and folks are joining in by sending you such lovely fabrics

  2. Ooo gorgeous fabric - I have Sue's fab quilt which will go beautifully with some of that plain fabric - Fun day Monday is going to be a busy one. Hope you manage to plough your way thro your to do rail as quickly and easily as possible so you have time to chill a bit today. Hectic weekend for you too!!!

  3. Fabulous post! Good luck clearing that mountain..xx

  4. Never actually counted what was in there but look forward to seeing what you manage to do with it all. Got lots of room in my airing cupboard now!!
    x Tricia

  5. Brilliant post parcels, \an't wit to see the dresses you make. Have a great weekend, i got my gorgeous girl with me this weekend. xx

  6. I thought Tricia must have raided the airing cupboard of a B & B!! Great haul of fabric - have fun! Di xx

  7. How gorgeous. I see lots of duvet covers / sheets in the Charity shop where I work & think of all what Blogger friends make. But I can't buy & send it and they do sell well. Good to see what can be made - lovely x

  8. Happy Birthday Annie..hope Sunday has been a fabulous day for you and yours
    Huge Hugs for a wonderful day xx

  9. THe postman called to me yesterday too!! I've just thanked you on my blog for my cutey bear and the gorgeous photo of S&L... you are a star!! Thanks again Jo x

  10. HAPPY BIRTHDAY ANNIE!! You kept that one quiet :)) Hugs, Di xx

  11. Im just so surprised that you still manage to find some time to make these adorable little dresses!

    Such a colourful selection the postman has delivered, there's no end to it all! How wonderful!

    Keryn x


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