Saturday 29 October 2011

I own up....I've been shopping...

My name is Annie, I'm 54 years old and I'm a materialolic.....and I believe there is no know cure for it.  :-)
I've been to our local shop looking for a new advent calendar panel and a bit of red fabric to make some new Christmas stockings for the new little family members and I have to admit I got a bit carried you do in these shops.  :-) :-) :-) 
I ended up getting enough to make 4 new Advent calendars [cos normally when I need one I struggle to get any], some plain red cotton material and white fleece to make the Stockings out of [I probably got enough to make stockings for half the village!] and of course I just had to buy enough shirt / top lengths to make 3 new winter shirts out of for me.  Think I have enough to keep me busy now don't you?

So? What have you been up to today?  Anything you'd like to own up to?


  1. What a lovely haul of material Annie - plenty to keep you busy. As if you need things to keep you busy! What should I own up to - I guess collecting lovely card making papers, and you can't even wear those! Well, you could I suppose - rustle, rustle :)) Hugs, Di xxx

  2. Oh Annie - too funny about not going out in the rain in paper clothes! Not wishing to lower the tone of your blog - donkeys years ago disposable paper knickers were 'the thing' for hols. Just chuck 'em away. A friend got some and at the end of a very hot and humid day we trolled back to our room to find that she only had the elastic left round her waist and legs - the disposable knickers had self-destructed and disposed of themselves :)) Di xx

  3. Ooh lots of lovely goodies there I see. Sadly the only shopping I have done today was for food. I have been a very good girl and not bought any new fabric lately, although I did succumb to a set of stamps on Thursday. It my one weakness!

  4. Great collection... as if you've nothing else to do!! I'm surprised you ever have time to make anything for yourself but pleased you do.
    Love the cutey basket of laundry in previous post... send it to me and I promise not to iron it! Lexi is adorable... well they all are!
    Love Jo x

  5. Third advent calendar from the left is waiting to be cut out at my house too. I don't even have anyone to make it for but could not resist it anyway!! Happy sewing. Love seeing all your photos.

  6. Can't weait to see what you make with all that

  7. hehe Christmas?..thought you didn't want to think about Christmas yet? lol Nice fabrics you found though

    Funny the snagging list is magical, the more l tick off the more it grows hehe
    Hugs x

  8. Ha - Too good to resist eh ? Looking forward to seeing your mahes !

  9. Lovely fabric, they'll make gorgeous stockings and calendars. I have to own up to buying some wool this weekend to knit a scarf for a Xmas pressie, i've already got tons of wool but it was too nice to resist :-)

    Rose xx

  10. 3 new stockings required at least in your family this Christmas! If they are anything like my lot, it won't be long before they want an advent calendar each too. Does that mean you haven't bought enough?!?

    ** Kate **

  11. Well, I went to our newly opened Abakhan yesterday. I am no sewer but the material - talk about pouncing on it and "oohing and aahing" over it. Some gorgeous "C" stuff there. Drool, drool, drool.
    Eagerly awaiting your finished results with the lovely fabric you have here.


Thank you for caring. I love getting your comments.