Thursday 22 September 2011

Thanks to all...

Just a quick update.  M is now breathing on her own but will be on intensive care ward til they can stabilise her blood pressure properly.

I'm certain all your positive thought have helped a lot....they have def helped thanks a million to you all.

The two little darlings are totally oblivious to it all and are feeding well and doing all they should....and of course getting lots and lots of love and attention from one and all.

Thanks again.
Annie x


  1. That is such good news, thank you for keeping us all updated during this very stressful time. We'll continue to think of you all xxx

  2. Oh Annie, so good of you to let us know about M. The positive vibes are still flowing her way. Love and hugs, Di xx

  3. That’s wonderful new Annie, she on the right track and time is a great healer.
    Glad the little ones are doing fine, at least that’s one less thing to worry about.

    Sending all the positive vibes you need.
    (think you need one of your little bears)

  4. That's good, good news. Will to keep sending positive thoughts your way. X

  5. Oh my goodness, scary times. Thoughts are with you all x x x

  6. Oh my gosh, that is a relief. Praying now that M just goes from strength to strength.

    ** Kate **

  7. Well, Ive had quite a rollercoaster experience reading your last few posts.

    Ive had the teary eyes with the most BEAUTIFUL shots of babes and Mummy and the fear of the subsequent post.

    Great news to hear that now that she's turned the corner.

    I am sending you all many many hugs and love.

    Keryn x

  8. So pleased to hear things are going in the right direction. Will keep the positive vibes going and look forward of her complete recovery.
    Love Jo x

  9. Annie just catching up now, I hope all will be ok with M, and that her blood stabilises soon. Big huggles. Joey xx

  10. That's positive news. Continuing to hope all goes well for you and yours.

    Hugs, Sandra x

  11. Hello Anne, that's wonderful news and great that the babies are doing as they should too! so thankful for the updates and you take care too:) Sandra H

  12. Keeping my finger crossed Annie that M continues to improve. A scary few days for you all.


  13. Good am glad. I didn't know who jo was and where we could find out. Glad you've let us know.

  14. How did I miss the previous post ....So thankful things are improving ...loads of love ...and I will have a few words with him upstairs too. xx

  15. Great news about M and the babes! Will cont to keep fingers crossed and hope for the best! Vickie

  16. So pleased M is improving, sending lots of loving thoughts to her and to all the family.
    Carol xx

  17. Oh my goodness. I have just caught up with the news. How horrible. Hope she is on the mend now. Sending lots of positive thoughts your way. x

  18. Oh Annie - I missed your last post. How scary - so glad things are improving. Sending lots of love to you and your family xxx

  19. Phew! I'm breathing easier too knowing M is doing it for herself!
    Carrying on with the prayers and goodwishes to M and all of you.

    Sandie xx

  20. May I add my belated best wishes for the safe recovery of mum and the continued flourishing of the babies.

    All the very best from Friko just down the road.

  21. Thank goodness, shall be keeping everything crossed for a quick recovery so she can be with her babies. Kezzy x

  22. Best Wishes to All of You. thanks so much for the updates. Prayers your way.

  23. Good to hear there is an improvement
    Thinking of you all huge huge hugs and lots of Love xx

  24. Phew, what a relief - hope M continues to improve and can get on with enjoying the twins. Take care, all!

  25. Just caught up on your news. So sorry to hear about M, but glad to hear there is an improvement. Sending you lots of positive thoughts and a virtual hold of the little twins' fingers. Take care of yourself too, Annie. Bx

  26. wonderful news youve made my day.Hope things improve from now on will keep checking fingers crossed.Sending love n big((())) hugs

  27. La mamá de estos niños muy pronto los va a poder tener entre sus brazos. Ha de recuperarse completamente y a su ritmo porque estos dos bebés la necesitan mucho.
    Todo va a ir bien :)
    Con mis mejores deseos
    Antara Celetna

  28. Best wishes to your daughter - I had severe pre-eclampsia when I had my son, but fortunately things improved after he was delivered, but I know it can be scary! Tough time for all too when mummy and babies can't be together! (I had 2 days with my son and I in different hospitals!)

  29. Gosh Annie such bittersweet news on your blog this week. Sending you much love and hugs as you deal with all life is throwing your way.
    I'm glad the babies are doing well - they are gorgeous. And I hope that Michelle recovers quickly xxx

  30. Have been chucked off the network for two days so have only just caught up with your news. My thoughts and wishes are with you all. Hugs Mrs A.

  31. Only just heard your news. My thoughts will be with you and your family, hoping and praying thatM will soon be fully recovered and able to enjoy her beautiful babies.

  32. Thank goodness there is a further improvement and the Twins are in the best hands
    Cya soon Annie
    All my Love and Huge Hugs to you and all the family thinking of you every minute xx

  33. Only just heard your news, sending lots of positive vibes.
    twiggy xx

  34. Best of luck to all of you. Positive healing thoughts are being sent your way.

  35. Oh Annie

    I'm so rooting for you and M...

  36. Oh Annie, what a mix of emotions for you darling. I am so sad to read that M has been so poorly and relieved that she seems to have turned a corner. I hope & pray that she continues to get better. All my thoughts & prayers for you all. HUGS xxx

  37. I've just caught up on this - adding my wishes for a quick recovery after this difficult time.
    The babies are beautiful - what a thrill!


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