Monday 19 September 2011

Another night in hospital....

M's feet have been swelling [one of the signs of pre-eclampsia] and last week during one of her many hospital visits they told her to carefully monitor any headaches so last night when she had the first signs of a migraine coming on she contacted the hospital.....again.  Bless her, I think she has now slept in most of their ward beds and has become a bit of a celebrity up there.  On admission her blood pressure was raised and she had +++ of protein in her wee again so they had to keep her in on bed rest.  I'm guessing they will make more decisions on the morning Dr's round but as she is 37 weeks tomorrow I'm really hoping they can start to make decisions on when these little darlings can come out to play.


  1. Fingers crossed - hope they come out to play soon
    Sending virtual hugs to everyone
    Julie xxxxxxxxx

  2. I keep looking for the big announcement, hope it comes soon. x

  3. Fingers still crossed here too - can't be long now surely? Love and hugs, Di xx

  4. I was ironing earlier this morning and felt sure that by the time I got here to check that you'd have an announcement! Ah well, as long as all is OK..we must be patient!

  5. You are all really going through the mill aren't you. I keep checking every day for news.
    Love to all and the very best of luck to Mum!!
    Hugs Lisax

  6. This is becoming longer than War And Peace! Hope all is okay and you will be able post pictures soon of those twinies soon. hugs Mrs A.

  7. Hope all gets better and thinking of you all x

  8. I'm still hanging on in here too and hoping. Hope you all get a result or a good night's sleep! Or both!
    Love Jo x

  9. I've been checking in, hoping that there would be an anouncement ...I am off to bed now and will lie there with everything crossed.xx

  10. Keeping my fingers crossed, hope all goes well. Kezzy x


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