Tuesday 23 August 2011

Thank you for my blog award Keryn....

I was very kindly given this lovely award by Keryn from Poppy Dog blog.  Keryn has become a really good friend through our blogs and last weekend we even managed a 'chat' via MSN so to receive this award from Keryn has of course made it all the more special.  Thank you so very much.
I think I am supposed to pass this on to 3 other bloggers but of course Keryn would be one that I would put in my top three so I'm only choosing another two  :-)  Top of my list of course for the one who is more than often top of the list of comments just has to be that much older sister of mine, Twiglet.  She is not only an appreciated follower on the blogs but also in real life  :-)  The other blogger I would like to pass this award on to is Di from Pixie's Crafty Workshop.  She is another blogger who follows my blog closely and who I greatly appreciate the friendship of.  She is always there for me with lovely supportive and encouraging comments.  Thank you to you all.  Please pick up this award from me and pass it on to others who you, in turn, appreciate.


  1. Aw, thank you so much Annie! I'm pickled tink indeed! Hugs, Di xxx

  2. Well thanks lots - what a treasure you are!

  3. Awww, now stop making my eyes go all wet you daft appeth!

    Di popped over to my blog as a result of this and Im so pleased that my sorry tales of woe have cheered her! So much so that she was snorting with laughter she said!! ;)

    Its funny how all the mad ones seem to naturally get together!?!

    Keryn x


Thank you for caring. I love getting your comments.