Monday 1 August 2011

Our Funday Monday....

Twiglet came down this morning with these beautiful freesias.  Thanks Jo.  She knows they are my favourite but they were also the favourite of our Mum and today would have been her birthday.  We put them in my sewing room window and have both enjoyed their perfume while we share our memories of that very special lady in our lives.  She would have loved to have seen us working and laughing together today while we cut out lots more little dresses for the African girls......Happy Birthday Mum xxxx

This was my table first thing this morning and since then we have carefully cut out dresses from all the wonderful material....a lot of which has been very kindly donated by blogging friends......we have put each little cut out dress with it's bias strips and pocket pieces into it's own little bag so that now we can quickly run up a little dress in between other sewing jobs.

This is the little twinnie's waistcoat I finished last night....cute eh?  Pink girly one in the making next  :-)


  1. Yes - brilliant day - lovely company and a happy time together. Have a great week - please don't try and make all those dresses tomorrow!! lol

  2. Such a wonderful gift for these children you are creating. Great efforts, will bring many a smile.

    Have a beautiful week `
    TTFN ~

  3. Freesias - among my faves too - so glad they bring you such happy memories. What a fab response you've had with the fabrics.

  4. I can almost smell them from here - such a lovely way to remember your Mum.

  5. What a wonderful job you are doing and at the same time having fun and sharing the love! Your Mum would be proud of you!
    Love JoZarty x

  6. I can understand why you love freesias Annie, they smell beautiful don’t they and how thoughtful of Jo to buy them for you on what would have been your mum’s birthday.

    I’m sentimental too and grow Sweet Peas every year because they are my and were my mum’s favourites.
    You certainly didn’t hang around once you’d unpacked that material, did you!

    Have a 'fun' day

  7. We gave Freesias once to an elderly blind lady so she could enjoy the scent. I was telling Jess about your dear little dresses yesterday.

  8. oooooooo lov the new look to your blog!!!! I love freesia's, they are so delicate & smell heavenly too. Have pareceled up some fabric for you my lovely & will post this afternoon xxx

  9. Lovely memories - I can almost smell those freesias here. Di xx


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