Thursday 4 August 2011

My next three 25, 26 and 27......

Yes they keep coming and I will keep blogging each and every one  :-)

The first two I made together [same thread needed so a little quicker to make].....Spot the difference  :-)

These were made using some of the gorgeous fabric Wanda sent me all the way from USA.  It has trimmed up so prettily with either pink or green pockets and each little girl likes to be different doesn't she?

My dress number 27 is another one made with the pale blue sheeting one of my customers gave me trimmed up with the trimmings of the quilt I bought in a charity shop  :-)  I love the way we can make bias strips and pockets etc to match from a quilt that has already made 5 dresses....nothing gets wasted here  :-)

My last pic for today is my sunflower now out in full bloom....I think it looks like it's smiling at me.  :-)  This greets all my customers as they bring me their sewing.

This is my little bit of sunshine to share with you all on this rather damp rainy day here in Shropshire.


  1. Lovely dresses! Great sunflower.

  2. More gorgeous dresses oh Wonder Woman! And aren't sunflowers so cheerful - and the birdies like the seeds at the end of the season too :) Piddling down here - so the garden is lapping it up and it's cool enough to face some ironing. Good or bad thing? Not too sure about that one! Di xx

  3. Such sweet dresses and a wonderful cause! Go girl!

  4. Well, we were in Hereford all day yesterday. Enjoying the dresses, they're such cuties!

  5. Hi Well done you are you aiming for a particular number? lol
    Your right the gardens are loving all the rain
    hugs x

  6. The dresses are so cute, would you email me your address please?
    Twiggy x

  7. Fab dresses - the fabric sews beautifully doesn't it. That is one massive sunflower - you must be feeding it the right stuff!

  8. Do you never sleep? Or here's a thought are you making them in your sleep!! 3 more gorgeous designs. Hugs Mrs A.

  9. I can't believe how fast you sew! I clearly need to speed up!! Beautiful dresses. Took some photos today of the dresses you sent me today which should be on the blog on Sunday. x


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