Friday 19 August 2011

The latest batch....

Yes folks they keep coming  :-)  Here are my latest makes....

These 4 are all made using fabric one of my customers gave me and I've trimmed them up with bias and pockets made from smaller pieces of fabric donated for the dresses.
I love the fact that each and every one is different and can just imagine all those little girls smiling to have their own special dress.  This brings my total now up to 56  :-)

And for those that can smell what else I've been up to this morning.....

It's nearly lunchtime so please help yourselves.  We will be having ours with bacon in....can't you just smell it?  Yum yum  :-)


  1. Your dresses for Africa are so beautiful and your buns look amazing!

  2. Beautiful dresses once again - so lovely that you try to make each one different. And that bacon roll is wafting all the way down here! Not so sure about Sandra's comment about your buns looking what context? Or is it my wicked mind! Di xx

  3. Just taken one. Couldn't resist the smell! Hugs Mrs A.

  4. lol - yes you are well known for your amazing buns! You can teach me how to make bread like that after you have helped me get my plum jam right!! I think its Ok but it took a while to get to setting point - maybe its the altitude up here - lol.

  5. 56! Holy Hofstedder! You're a machine aren't you? And bread rolls on top of that? Oh how I wish I could make those materialize HERE NOW... nummy.

  6. Gorgeous dresses !!
    twiggy x

  7. Your dresses are happy they will be!


Thank you for caring. I love getting your comments.