Friday 5 August 2011

Another wonderful parcel....

I am genuinely blown away by the generosity of our blogging friends.  This morning the postman has come knocking at my door with another wonderful parcel...this time from the lovely Karen over at Karen's Carry Ons.

Ooer I do love getting parcels.  :-) :-) :-)

And look what was in it...
6 gorgeous pieces of really pretty fabric...enough to make lots more little dresses  :-)
And what a pretty card too  :-)

Thank you so much Karen xx

It feels just like Christmas.  I have no doubt Twiglet and I will be busy cutting out the dresses on our Funday Monday morning and if she's really good I might share some of it with her so she can enjoy making dresses from it too  :-)


  1. So pleased it arrived looking like I had just wrapped it! Looking forward to seeing the little dresses now xxx

  2. Hello Annie!

    And we love seeing all of your parcels arrive too! It takes such a very short space of time from seeing a flat piece of fabric to then seeing the beautiful little individual dresses hanging ready to go!

    Have a super day!

    Keryn x

  3. ...and another is being posted today!

  4. OO er - we are going to be very very VERY busy!!


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