Wednesday 9 February 2011


My life seems to be full of wonderful events to celebrate so I'm making the best of it.    :-) :-)   As you will see in my last posts I've been dog racing for the first time this week and what a hoot that was....and I made a profit too.  You will also see I'm hoping to spread some love to all my blogging friends.  Please collect some love from me in the last post and lets see how far we can spread it.

I've been finishing off several new projects and Twiglet and I spent Monday morning restocking the shop with yummy new pictures, brooches and gifts.  Do pop over here and leave us a comment to let us know what you think please.

We had another brilliant Funday Monday with lots of fun and laughter but I did manage to make a start at new spring dumfed picture.  

I have now finished it so it will be going onto a shop shelf soon.  Hope you like it.  

I will also be making more poppy pictures cos these are flying off the shelf as soon as they go on.  My latest big Poppy picture has now gone into Tina's shop at Montgomery so I'm really excited.

The other exciting news I'd like to share with you today is that I've been commissioned to make one of my puppets for a young man to give his junior school as he leaves to move up to bigger and better things.  The puppet is to have blond spiky hair like my Mr Tumble dolls and is to be dressed in the school sweat shirt.  :-)  I enjoy designing and creating and really love these sort of challenges.

Well folks, that's enough from me for this week.  Please pop over to Julia's blog and go and visit more creative spaces that are being exposed today and maybe spread a little love on your way  :-)

A x


  1. wow that's really pretty love the yellow

  2. Wow lovely Daffs and great news for your out for the postie x

  3. I think I like the colors of these dafs even more than the poppies. Maybe because they remind me of spring. This piece is awesome. And of course I had to laugh about your dog racing adventure. What fun! Have a great WOYWW from number 7.

  4. What a beautiful picture
    Julie xxxxxxxx

  5. Love those daffodils! I was at Kew Gardens on Saturday and the stems are poking through now - about 2 or 3 inches - I think (whisper it!) Spring is on the way!!
    I will gladly take your heart from your last post and spread some love!

  6. Lovely daffodil picture roll on spring!my snowdrops are out so the daffs wont be far away.glad your poppy ppiccies are selling well they were stunning.Good luck with the puppet cant wait to see the finished creation.
    hugs judex:016

  7. Hi, thanks for sharing again this week. Spend your spoils from the dog racing wisely --- ie treat youself !!!
    Anne xxx

  8. I think everything you do is fantastic!!
    Sue xx 56

  9. Poppy pic safely in Tina's shop - the daffs are lovely - how about narcissi!!

  10. Wow what a stunning picture, its beautiful :)
    Have a great WOYWW,
    Karen #58

  11. Awww - Spring is sprung today on your blog. Love the daffodils - so pretty!


  12. Hi hun
    oh gorgeous creation, i can understand why they are flying of the shelf. have good day, happy WOYWW, sue,x(11)

  13. I struggled to comment on Twiglets blog yesterday and today - probably me - can you say Hi and tell her I still love her but she just is missing out on my mad comments...

    Oh and I love you and your desk too


  14. You are having a good week. Thanks for the instructions, not cracked it yet, but I may email you.
    I love your daffodil creation. I found your shop amazing and very professional.
    Best wishes
    Sue xxx

  15. Hiya

    oh this is so pretty too, I am not surprised the poppies fly off they are gorgeous!

    Looking forward to seeing the puppet.
    Joey xx

  16. Nice bit of dumfing, I'm off to have a look at the shop.

    ** Kate **

  17. Oh, those daffodils are lovely! Spring is coming! Your art is amazing!
    xoxo Karen (#49)
    ps got your "pass on some love" heart on my blog :)

  18. Your artwork is beautiful! And congrats on being commissioned. I think being asked to produce something is such an affirmation of your work. Poppit #75

  19. OH WOW Annie...thos daffodils are just beautiful!!! You are so so clever!!!! HUGS & LOVE xxx

  20. Ooh, the daffs are divine! Congrats on your commission.

    Susan #84

  21. Happy thoughts here! Love the daffs - they always make me feel hopeful!

    Enjoy your days and the dogs!!!

    sarah at 17

  22. Loving the happy yellow. And your commission sounds like a fun project.

  23. Gorgeous picture! Spring is (hopefully) just round the corner and this sums it up perfectly. Di x

  24. The daffodils are lovely , hope its not long before we see the real thing. Hugs Pam x

  25. You are branching out Annie, love the daffs too, we won't be seeing any real ones until about April no doubt! Well done on another commission too.

    Brenda 89

  26. Love your daffodil picture. Very Spring is in the air. I have put 2 hand dumfed pics of the cats on my side bar which I did using their fur (collected up from grooming). Still got the scars on my finger tips too from the needles. Must keep saving my pennies up!!
    Hugs Mrs A. #83

  27. Great creation!

    Thank you for sharing.

    Maggie #76

  28. Lovely Daffs! and some great makes in your shop. Thanks for joining my blog

  29. Glad your beautiful dumfing is going well. The daffys are so lovely. Thanks so much for the love and for popping by my blog,
    JoZarty x

  30. Tina's shop this week, who knows where next....! Well done Wipso, you really are a powerhouse!

  31. Very nice! Love the yellow flowers in that picture. Congrats on the commission.

  32. Love the daff picture - have fun creating the puppet and dont forget to show us ~ Nicky no.9

  33. Lovely Springlike daffodils. Maybe summer is on its way. thank you for sharing them with us.

  34. What a clever art form this is Wipso - idea for fabric thing coming up Shirley #52

  35. Love the picture - you will be proud of me as I have been doing lots of sewing this past week - have made an Amy Butler bag with zips and pockets and all sorts and also some costumes for a school play my son is in - my little Bernina doesnt know what has hit it!!

  36. OMGosh time just got away from me this week. Now I can't remember where I've been. The columns look Sorry to be so late visiting. Maybe I will just still till the next WOYWW...lo

    Thanks for the peek and sharing, hugs,Lucky #2 Marjo


Thank you for caring. I love getting your comments.