Friday 18 February 2011

The latest Mr Tumble...

This is my latest 'ta da' moment.  I'm pleased to say I have cleared my 'to do' rail and have now been able to finish my latest Mr Tumble.

Here he is sitting in my chair with his spotty bag waiting for approval from his new owner and then he will be sent first class to make a little boy smile  :-) 

He's such a well loved character by all pre-school children .
....if anyone else wants one making just email me for more details.

Both Twiglet and I have also been working on the new designs for the blog shop so keep a look out girls.


  1. Another triumph - he is so lovable.
    I am just planning my next crafty creation!

  2. What a cute grin! Love him, even if he has borrowed my hair on a bad day.

  3. What a happy chappy! Really super result :) Di x

  4. ohhhh what fab little people you've been showing! They are so gorgeous


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