Friday, 7 January 2011

Wendy requires emergency surgery....

I had an important phone call late this morning....Wendy needed major emergency surgery and fast.

She was rushed to me by lunchtime with her little friend. 

This is her little friend who stands in when Wendy takes a bath or has much needed minor surgery but today things had got serious.

Wendy had taken a turn for the worse.  She was feeling deflated and very unwell indeed.

When we turned her over we could see several minor surgery scars and she had been so well loved her insides were escaping through further wounds.  She was originally cream like her little friend so was also feeling very off colour from all the baths she had had over the years.  Of course her little owner would need Wendy for bedtime tonight so rapid major emergency surgery was needed.

She was given a general anaesthetic and had her wounds repaired [and a little new stuffing] then using the lovely material that was brought with her she was made a lovely new coat.  Her surgery well well and after she was awake she was then able to sit alone and enjoyed a cup of tea and a biscuit.

Yes, without a doubt, I am a little mad but to work here it really helps.  I feel very honoured to be trusted with such priceless friends and always do my best to keep the character of the original when working on such treasures.  Wendy is really thrilled with her face all I hope is that her little owner feels the same  :-)


  1. Oh Wendy - that little "lift" has worked wonders. Do you think Wipso might do the same for me???

  2. So glad surgery went well. You did a good job. Well done.

  3. Awe, I can see Wendy is smiling! Well done Dr Annie xxx

  4. Glad the operation went well.
    Julie xxx

  5. All I can say is ... "Aaaaaawwwh!" She is looking much better.
    JoZarty x

  6. Arh she looks all better now.....what a wonderful surgeon she was taken too x

  7. oh get well soon wendy! LOL

    love teen xx

  8. hehe us girls always love a good makeover
    Thanks for the giggle..Wendy you look smashing again
    Hugs xx

  9. Thank Goodness Wendy has been to the health farm ! Jess had a little rabbit called Awf infact she had two but didn't know til she saw one on the line & had one in her hand - oops !

    My Auntie Anne gave Auf a new suit when his was threadbare. Sadly both Aufs were eventually lost which makes me very sad. He's there in all the photos of Jess as a toddler.

  10. Where oh where would we be without a Grandma to drop everything and save us? Great work Dr Wipso...foret my ribbons, I wanna face lift!

  11. one happy little bear and an even happier little boy xx thank you so much again xx

  12. Wendy - that's a fine nip 'n tuck - definitely the case of a stitch in time. Wipso has restored you to fabulousness.

    Reminds me of the time when my beloved Jingle bear's head came off in the twin tub washing machine (now, that's showing my age...). My nan fished his innards out with the sieve and lovingly sewed him back together again. Which was just as well, as the three-year old me was bawling her eyes out & wouldn't stop. I guess a beheaded bear was a bit much to take...

    I bet you've made a littl'un so very happy.

    Take care of yourself - hope that sciatica is keeping at bay.


  13. Oh well done, well done Dr Wipso. Wendy looks a different bear for her time in your care.

  14. We often have similar emergencys here at our house that involve eye and or tail patches. Diggory loves his babies a little too much now and again :)

  15. Morning Annie..hope you're feeling loads better this morning?
    Not Sure where the Markus Linnenbrink is going yet...depends on if l get fed up with it or not and finish it off quick hehe
    Have a good week
    Hugs X


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