Friday 21 May 2010

Bun update :-) .....

They now look like this.....

Do help yourselves :-)

It's been another really fab day. Twiglet has been here :-) She weeded some of our shared vegetable plot and then helped me with yet more curtains :-)

Hoping you all have a really fab weekend.


  1. OH YUM!!!!! pop one in the post XXX

  2. Oh boy do they look yummy wish I could reach in and take one maybe 2.
    Have a great weekend think I might bake.
    Christine x

  3. lovely buns, if you'll pardon the expression :)
    twiggy x

  4. Don't mind if I do! (Not that I'm supposed to... wheat & lactose!).

  5. There is something so appealing about a cake with a cherry on the top!!
    Is it time for you to have a rest now, or is that word not in your vocabulary?! Have a good weekend too xx

  6. yummy - don't give any to that bride or she defo won't fit in the dress!

  7. Well done you! Now go and put your feet up - you will need to boost your batteries for tomorrow's garden sale and the afternoon's fun too!!!

  8. Mmm thats just sat down with a cup of tea....on sunday i shall be making some mini bailey cake...shall put them on my blog x

  9. You are enjoying yourself, now take a break ...

    Have a fantastic weekend.
    TTFN ~ Hugs, Marydon

  10. Clever you with the wedding dress!!
    Thanks l'll have the one with the orange decoration on hehe yum!!!
    Not got any sisters or brother so l'm real jealous of you and yours but great friend on her way for the weekend so a bit of sisterly fun and laughter this weekend for me too
    As near as it gets to a real sister
    Hugs xx

  11. I've sent you an email....

  12. Could I have some of those to go with "Good Morning!" tea? Please and thanks. (Bear is not one of the world's best bakers.) :(


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