Sunday 9 May 2010

The baby blanket...

For those of you who dropped in on Wednesday and asked to see updates on the baby blanket I was making here is the latest news.

This is what you saw on Wednesday. Just 7 more squares to knit.

I finished these last 7 and laid them all out on my table to plan the pattern of colours.

Last night, whilst watching the telly, I sat and stitched them all together. First in rows then I stitched all the rows together carefully keeping the pattern correct. [Sorry about the dark photo].

And then I crocheted 3 rows of white around to edge it. Hey presto it's finished. It's for a very special little friend [actually not so little at the mo!] who's baby is due in August so hope she likes it.

p.s. Pop over to Julie's for the chance to win her fab blog candy.

Also do pop over to Helen's blog to check out her Blog Candy, the Opening of her New Shop/Challenge blog/CFS/ME awareness day 12th May here.


  1. You don't waste much time do you!!! It looks lovely.
    Word verif..... paten

  2. Gorgeous blanket. I'm sure your friend will appreciate it. Thanks for showing us the finished article ;)

  3. Its beautiful , well done! XXX

  4. you finished it off while watching telly.
    Of course, what else.

  5. That's multi-tasking - being ale to watch the telly and crochet. Both require my full concentration. Looks perfect too. Lovely - lucky mum-to-be.

  6. that's daughter just told me she's been given 7 blankets (by different people) for her baby (due in June) don't like to tell her I'm making a quilted cot blanket..yikes)

  7. It's absolutely lovely and I'm sure it will be treasured for many many years

  8. awww wow its gorgeous hun. I bet they will love it.

    helen x

    I have Blog Candy!!

  9. That's really pretty and unusual design with the diagonal pattern, lovely baby colours too! xx

  10. That is gorgeous! Well done... xxx

  11. Good luck with my candy thank you for entering. Just wanted to let you know I have just put up a 2nd chance in the candy if you want to have a look x

  12. Such a beautiful baby blanket! Its the handmade gifts that mean so much more especially in these days of being able to buy anything 24/7!

    There's a gift that will be treasured for a very long time!

    Keryn x


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