Tuesday, 15 December 2009

Large letter post!!...

I'm here for a moan today. I have always loved making my Christmas cards and sending them to special family and friends but this year I was annoyed when several of them had to go large letter post. I always try hard to keep embellishments to a minimum size but it's almost as if the post office's size slot has shrunk. I do think it's ridiculous that a card of normal proportions has to go as large letter post just because the felt is slightly thicker on one than another or one bead is fractionally larger than another.....and I'm not talking bulging envelopes here.

Am I the only one who has this problem?


  1. No my friend, you are not alone. I have swallowed the letter thing, just about got over it. Try this: go to the trouble of finding buying wrapping four small presents for my American family. Save a nice box (like a pizza box but deeper), parcel them up. 2cm wider than small packet rate, so it cost £40.99 to post!! I realise rules and blah, but OMG. No doubt Sissy and her family will wonder why I bothered!

  2. Got to agree with you there Wipso. So many cards have beads/ buttons/ sticky pads on these days. The Royal Mail knew what they were doing by setting the limit at 5 mm!

  3. No you are not alone - I made all my felt cards and hand-sewed beads on, as you do to make them sparkly and nice, and of course then found that they have to go as a large letter. Bring back the old system (and the old proper Post Office that doesn't live in WH Smiths, but that's a different moan...) xx


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