Thursday 12 November 2009

Molly mouse for Bayou...

Good morning Bayou. I have finished the little grey mouse for you and hope you like her. She is quite a character and, like most of my felties, I really think shes gorgeous [ I struggle to part with most of them].


  1. Hehehe you know me better than most...I can make anything :-)
    Well, I will have a pretty good go at it :-)
    A x

  2. That's really a cute little mouse, Wipso! I am sure it will make a good gift for my friend who is a mouse fan and has the whole house "mousy" - even the toilet brush is a mouse sitting on a bit of cheese :-)))

  3. I think that Twiglet is going o set you challenges just because she can! Beware sisters!! Lovely Mouse, two words I don't say togethehr very often!!

  4. Not sure I could part with them either, think they are all lovely and admire your talent.

  5. a little sweetie...I once started a mouse...and can't for the life of me figure out where it went...I know darn well I never did finish it..... hmmmmm hope nobody with the phobia finds it hiding somewhere... ....

  6. ohhhhhhh look at this little cutie - aren't you clever?

  7. Such a wonderful creature! Great work... I can see why you struggle to part with them! :)


Thank you for caring. I love getting your comments.