Tuesday 17 November 2009

Christmas is coming :-).....

I have been busy making advent calendars and was asked to blog my photos. I am selling them for £35 -£40 each [plus postage] but only have 2 of each design in stock and they are selling fast :-) They are made from printed fabric, wadded and with little pockets for you to fill with sweets or little gifts.

Santa one is approx 20"x 27 1/2" with hanging loops. £35 plus postage.

Toy shop one is approx 20" x 21" with hanging loops and each pocket has a flap to keep it's contents hidden. £40 plus postage.

I have also felted a little robin for a lady and thought you might like to see it before it flies off :-)
I am happy to make more on request. These are £10 plus postage.

Can I say a huge thank you for dropping in on my blog and for all the lovely comments you leave me.


  1. Does that mean I have to start making Christmas cards on Fun day Monday?? I have only just planted my bulbs today.

  2. Afraid so sis :-) Get your thinking cap on between now and monday :-) A x

  3. Oh wipso how lovely we have exactley the same toy shop advent calendar my mother made for Eldest the year she was born and stll use it ! My Mother gaev it complete with wonderful treasures for her the first year and I have been filling it ever since! Each year we put in small china things or sweets or tiny toys it takes me all year to find enough tiny things to fit in the pockets.

  4. oooh, l would have loved one of those calenders when l was little, l haven't forgotten about the moos!

  5. The advent calenders are really cuts... making me feel very Christmassy!

    And your little robins is simply fab!!

    Thank you for all of your get well and happy birthday messages while I was off... was always nice to see your name flash up in my inbox.
    Sara xx

  6. You are such a hard working lass. And you sleep when???
    That robin is really cute!


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