Monday 24 August 2009

Christmas is coming :-)

Just wanted to say I've just sorted out 4 Advent calendars to make in fabric. I made one last year for our new little Grand daughter and had so much interest that I bought more to make and sell for this year. Have only got 2 different designs so if anyone knows where to buy more please do let me know. I plan to make them and display them here in my sewing room for my customers so will really have to get organised early this year. I will blog more when I've made them.


  1. It's still AUGUST Wipso, you can't start talking about the C-word for ages yet!!!

  2. Sorry Kate. I consider myself told off. My spare time is so limited I just have to grab the moment and I always leave things to the last minute and then it's too late to display them to sell them. Was trying to get myself organised early this year. Really just wanted to see if anyone out there knew of more designs of the fabric calendars.

  3. NO NO NO, absolutely, NOT.
    I am looking forward to a pleasant autumn first.
    Advent calendars, indeed! Are you mad, woman?

  4. Friko....Of course I am. You don't have to be mad to work here but it helps :-)

  5. ohhhh I made an advent calendar for my nieces and nephews when they were teeny. It was a sort of quilted background with the numbers appliquéd onto it and little gift bags hung from curtain rings which were sewn onto the backing. Give me a shout if you'd like to see photos

  6. Thank you for your comment on my blog - you look like you have quite an exciting blog yourself! Good luck in the competition!

    Sarah x

  7. Christmas? I know it comes round quicker each year but, no, I refuse to think about it - yet.
    (But I am working on a Valentine's Day story at the moment!)


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