Here we are at another weekly catch up of what's made us smile during the week.
Mine was filled with making memories to celebrate my birthday/retirement. It's included two trips to the theatre to see Vincent Simone's Argentine Tango show on Monday night [of Strictly Come Dancing fame] and on Wednesday night we saw Sarah Millican...and we laughed so much that I felt she should be on prescription. I've been taken out for lunch on Monday and have been spoilt rotten by all my family and friends....I'm truly blessed.
We've had two wonderful fun days with little Louie making lots of memories.
Milly has been 'helping' me in my sewing room....she's such a sweety and she knows it.
Finally here's a few funnies to make you smile.
It's a quick one from me for this week because we are heading off on another adventure [more celebrations :-) ] but I will do my best to pop over to yours if I can.
Annie x